Six in 10 adults’ love of gardening was ignited by growing cress at school

Kid and grandma gardening
Kid and grandma gardening -Credit:Getty Images

A survey of 2,000 people has revealed that six in 10 adults' passion for gardening was sparked by childhood memories of growing sunflowers and cress at school. The poll found that nearly half (44 per cent) recall cultivating plants from seeds in their old classrooms, with a whopping 77 per cent experiencing an 'intense' sense of achievement when they began to sprout.

Other factors that inspired the nation's green thumbs include owning an outdoor space for the first time, tasting something they had grown themselves, and caring for houseplants. Half of those surveyed were instilled with a love of gardening by their parents, while over a quarter (27 per cent) used it as a chance to bond with their grandparents.

The study, conducted by Miracle-Gro, also found that 65 per cent now enjoy the hobby with their own children, with 53 per cent hoping to inspire them to take up gardening in the future. Just under half (49 per cent) believe that learning to care for plants as a child has fuelled their current love for it.

This joy derived from gardening has been dubbed 'Gro-ments' by the gardening company, celebrating all achievements in growth, big or small, and marking their ongoing commitment to being peat-free.

Budding gardener and outdoor enthusiast, Rob Rinder shared: "Whether you have a great big outdoor space or window boxes like me, there's no doubt about the delicious sense of achievement you get when you successfully grow something for the first time."

"Just seeing a seed sprout can give you a simple moment of joy, or as we like to call it, a 'Gro-ment'. Taking the first bite of your homegrown veg, or even seeing a houseplant thrive - nothing is too big or small to celebrate."

"Whether you are a total beginner or a gardening guru, spring is the perfect time to start experimenting in the garden to see what you can grow."

School kids gardening
School kids gardening -Credit:Getty Images

The study also uncovered that key gardening milestones for Brits include successfully nurturing house plants, receiving compliments on their outdoor spaces, and maintaining a lush, green lawn.

Moreover, 52 per cent of participants felt a sense of accomplishment upon their first successful attempt at growing something, with 11 per cent feeling 'elated' after previous failures.

Tomatoes, daffodils, and houseplants topped the list of most successful growth stories, closely followed by roses, herbs, and strawberries.

Despite this, 75 per cent of those surveyed believe that one doesn't need to be skilled at gardening to enjoy it, and 68 per cent agree that it's never too late to start, as per findings from OnePoll.

Jane Hartley, a spokesperson for Miracle-Gro, commented: "Gardening is a journey of discovery, and we want to mark the milestones, big or small, by celebrating every Gro-ment."

"We know that if you want to see your garden prosper, the most important thing to start with is a good growing foundation. This means using a peat free compost, which will help give your plants the best start in life."

"Our research shows that 92 per cent describe themselves as beginner or novice, and often people blame themselves for gardening fails - but it is much more likely to be the wrong compost. It is more than just dirt in a bag, it is the first step to a thriving garden."

"All you need is the right tools, an idea of what you want to grow and some hints and tips - all of which we're here to help with."

Woman gardening and repotting plant
Woman gardening and repotting plant -Credit:Getty Images

Rob Rinder chimed in: "It's a great feeling when someone compliments the plants you have grown as it's easy to form a sort of emotional bond with them. In fact, I have an oriental garden and take great pride in it being the first thing people see when they visit my house."

"Tomatoes are a great starting point for beginners as it doesn't take much to grow a successful plant and the yield can be huge."