Six pictures show how key Solihull route could be transformed
A main Solihull route could look drastically different, with less traffic, if plans come to fruition. The A452 Chester Road, known locally as Collector Road, has been proposed to turn from a single lane road into a two-lane dual carriageway.
Solihull Council wants to improve highway capacity between the roundabouts with Moorend Avenue and Coleshill Heath Road in Chelmund’s Cross - as the corridor frequently suffers queues and delays as an access point for M6 and M42 drivers. Pedestrians and cyclists are also considered with planned new and resurfaced footways and cycle routes.
The authority says the aim is for work to begin in 2025 with the scheme completed in 2026. Image showing what the new routes could look like have been drawn up, you can check them out below.
READ MORE: Plans to cut traffic on key Solihull route by turning section into dual carriageway
- Moorend Avenue - cycle track
The eye-catching design here sees a three metre, two way cycling track, separated from the highway.
There would also be a resurfaced two metre footway and crossing points would be upgraded.
- Chester Road near Chelmunds Cross - dual carriageway reinstated
The plans here are for a longer stretch of the dual carriageway introduced eastbound and reinstatement of the dual carriageway westbound.
Realignment would mean cars on the right hand side of the carriageway could either turn right into Hedingham Grove or continue straight on.
There would also be a physical buffer between the cycle track and highway introduced.
- Chester Road - cycle track
A further improvement would see a cycle track navigating around trees, ensuring improved journey quality and safety for cyclists.
- Chester Road - crossing upgraded
Here the existing toucan crossing would be upgraded to a sparrow crossing separating pedestrians and cyclists. One of the benefits highlighted is that it will lead to quicker journey times for cyclists.
- Chester Road northbound - cycle track and roundabout widened
At this section there is the proposed reinstatement of the dual carriageway and the roundabout to be widened. A three metre cycle track, separated from the highway with a buffer, is proposed.
- Coleshill Heath Road - conversion of footway to dual cycle track
The footway would be widened for a proposed new three metre cycle track. The adjacent footway would be upgraded to cater for more pedestrians.
The dual carriageway was originally removed in 2014 to make it easier for local residents to access the community facilities at the new village centre. But explaining the new plans Solihull Council said: "A change in national transport policy and guidance means the proposed new scheme can retain the improved access for pedestrians and cyclists, whilst also improving conditions for motorists passing through the corridor."
The scheme is to be funded though allocated central government funding, via the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS). A six week consultation ran for six weeks closing in March.
A Solihull Council spokesperson said: “The consultation highlighted a number of aspects of the scheme that will be further explored through the detailed design phase, prior to further consideration of the proposed scheme through the council’s democratic processes, most likely in late 2024/early 2025. The full outcome of the consultation will be reported in due course.”
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