Skegness' Jolly Fisherman - The story behind the coastal town's iconic trademark

The iconic sight of a carefree Jolly Fisherman gaily skipping across the golden sands of Skegness has become synonymous with the town. Painted more than a century ago, no one could have imagined just how enduring John Hassall’s iconic 1908 poster would prove to be.

With the figure's instantly recognisable pose, The Jolly Fisherman is as much a part of our coastal resort as the sand itself. And what a fruitful investment by The Great Northern Railway Company it was, with the renowned artist’s design costing them just 12 guineas - roughly £1,200 in today’s money.

The poster’s now legendary wording - Skegness Is So Bracing – was said to have been dreamt up by an unknown member of staff at the rail company. And so with a colourful picture and memorable slogan, Skegness's talismanic character was born, making his debut around Easter that year along with a special three-shilling offer for Londoners to visit Skegness.

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There are different versions of the poster, with a particularly memorable one involving a toddler pulling the fisherman along by his long red scarf. Despite being the mastermind behind the Jolly Fisherman, Mr Hassall only ever visited our glorious seaside once.

Renowned illustrator John Hassall in his studio, 1909
Renowned illustrator John Hassall in his studio, 1909 -Credit:Lafayette photography studio - Victoria and Albert Museum, Lafayette archive, creative commons 4.0

Almost 30 years after creating his Skegness illustration, he made the trip here in 1936 after being gifted an 'illuminated address' and 'the freedom of the foreshore'. According to Skegness Town Council, Mr Hassall was a big fan of the resort.

"The reality of Skegness has eclipsed all my anticipations," he reportedly said. "It is even more bracing and attractive than I had been led to expect."

A further 30 years on, as the country was hooked by World Cup fever, British Railways gifted Mr Hassall's original masterpiece to the town and to this day it is owned by Skegness Town Council. Back in 2020 the authority received a Heritage Lottery Fund Grant to restore the two Jolly Fisherman paintings.

The works of art are now on permanent display at Tower Gardens Pavilion for all to enjoy. Use of the Jolly Fisherman's imagery incurs a small cost in order to 'protect the image from abuse'.

This is something which publisher Transworld were unaware of in 2016, when they used Jolly on the front cover of Bill Bryson's popular book, The Road to Little Dribbling. In the book, Mr Bryson was less than complimentary of both Skegness and Lincolnshire.

One said: "As far as I could see there was nothing wrong with Skegness that moving it 800 miles south wouldn't fix." Later on, he wrote: "I was so half mad with boredom that I began to fantasise about trying to jump the car over the roadside ditch and see if I could land upright in a potato field.

"I figured the worst possible outcome was death, which didn't seem so bad compared with continuing on to Skegness." Mr Bryson was rather more kind about Jolly, noting that it was he that made Skegness famous.

The Jolly Fisherman statue at Skegness
The Jolly Fisherman statue at Skegness -Credit:Lincolnshire Echo

Perhaps this is what helped his publisher's avoid being sued, as Skegness Town Council decided that Transworld had made 'a genuine mistake'. They also agreed to credit the council in future uses of the imagery.

In 2020, Jolly made the headlines after reports suggested that he was going to be axed due to a lack of volunteers available to play the mascot at events. None other than Piers Morgan even joined the battle to save Jolly.

Voicing his opinion on Good Morning Britain, he said: "The Jolly Fisherman brought pleasure to millions and everybody was happy to see him and he basically cheered everybody up a bit. But the local town council has [now] intervened with a report highlighting hygiene fears over the 'very dirty mascot costumes along with the resource and cost of operating Jolly - the costs are more than you would imagine'

"Really? The world's gone nuts!"