Slimming World fans rave at breakfast recipe that tastes like cake

Healthy lemon baked oats made in a mug in 90 seconds
-Credit: (Image: @cakeontherun)

Slimming World enthusiasts are raving about a breakfast recipe that's akin to having cake in the morning.

Baked oats have become the go-to healthy breakfast choice, keeping hunger at bay until lunchtime and being a cinch to prepare, as reported by SurreyLive. Instagram food guru @cakeontherun has expressed her obsession with this nutritious morning meal.

She has devised a new baked oats recipe that can be whipped up in a mug in just a minute and a half. Her latest creation is incredibly straightforward to make and evokes the taste of scrumptious homemade lemon cake.

Her Instagram followers have hailed the recipe as "perfect" and "so good". Comprising ingredients like porridge oats, yoghurt, and fruit, it's a hearty, low-fat, and low-calorie option favoured by both Slimming World and Weight Watchers members.

For those who prefer a more cake-like texture, pulverising your oats into a flour-like consistency using a blender is recommended. However, even without a blender, the recipe promises to deliver, reports the Liverpool Echo.

What's brilliant about this mug-based recipe is its versatility; it can easily be adapted to suit vegan and gluten-free diets with a few simple modifications. Below are both versions of the recipe for anyone looking to satisfy their cake cravings in a healthier way.

Here's how to make the Lemon Baked Oats (serves one):

Lemon baked oats recipe (serves 1)


  • 5 tbsp (40g) porridge oats (blended if possible)

  • 2 tbsp any plain yoghurt + 1 tbsp extra to serve

  • 1 egg

  • 1 tsp sweetener

  • 1 tsp lemon extract


  1. Put everything into a small mug and mix well making sure all the oats are combined from the bottom of the mug. If you've got a blender, blitz oats to a powder for a few seconds as it makes the texture more cake-y.

  2. Microwave on high for 90 seconds (or 20 minutes in the oven on 180C/ 350F/gas mark 4).

  3. Tip the cake out onto a plate, top with extra yoghurt and enjoy straight away.

Vegan and gluten free version


  • 5 tbsp (40g) gluten free porridge oats (blended if possible)

  • 3 tbsp any plain yoghurt + tbsp extra to serve

  • 1 tsp sweetener

  • 1 tsp lemon extract

  • 1/3 tsp baking powder

  • Squeeze lemon juice


  1. Put everything into a small mug and mix well making sure all the oats are combined from the bottom of the mug. If you've got a blender, blitz oats to a powder for a few seconds as it makes the texture more cake-y.

  2. Microwave on high for 90 seconds (or 20 minutes in the oven on 180C/ 350F/gas mark 4).

  3. Tip the cake out onto a plate, top with extra yoghurt and enjoy straight away.