Smaller charities need more support
Times have been tough for smaller charities in recent years, even as greater demands have been made of them to take on functions the state cannot fulfil. The cost of living crisis and the pandemic have made fund-raising more difficult for those relying more on ad hoc donations rather than the standing orders or Government contracts their bigger counterparts can arrange.
They are a critical part of the charities landscape and yet they are being gradually throttled by the greater reach of larger organisations. A report from the Centre for Social Justice estimates there has been a £4.6 billion fall in revenues by smaller charitable organisations with incomes of less than £1 million a year since before the pandemic. Around 5,000 have shut down each year in the past decade with the number increasing since 2022.
By contrast, charities with incomes of more than £10 million have seen their revenues increase by the same amount. The 16 largest – such as Save the Children, National Trust and Cancer Research UK – have more money than the combined income of 160,000 charities with revenues under £1 million.
This matters because the bigger charities spend more on bureaucracy and management while funds raised by smaller organisations tend to be spent directly on dealing with the problems they were set up to tackle. The CSJ says the big charities operate more like outsourcing firms, hoovering up high-value Government and public contracts at the expense of smaller grassroots groups with close links to their communities.
The general election offers an opportunity for the parties to renew their pledges to small, community based charities. Whoever is in power after July 4 should no longer automatically hand out Government funds to the charitable behemoths and give their smaller counterparts a fair crack of the whip.