Smash star Megan Hilty's pregnant sister, brother-in-law, and nephew presumed dead in seaplane crash

Smash star Megan Hilty is mourning the loss of three family members in a seaplane crash.

A floatplane carrying nine passengers and a pilot crashed in Mutiny Bay near Whidbey Island in Washington state Sunday. One body has been recovered from the water, while the other nine individuals remain missing but are presumed dead, including Hilty's pregnant sister Lauren, brother-in-law Ross Mickel, and nephew Remy.

"We are deeply saddened and beyond devastated at the loss of our beloved Ross Mickel, Lauren Hilty, Remy and their unborn baby boy, Luca," the Mickel and Hilty families said in a statement. "Our collective grief is unimaginable. They were a bright and shining light in the lives of everyone who knew them."

Megan Hilty
Megan Hilty

Jimi Celeste/Patrick McMullan/Getty Megan Hilty

The Coast Guard suspended the search for the missing individuals Monday after "covering 1,283 linear nautical miles and saturating an area of more than 2100 sq. nautical miles," authorities said on Twitter. "All next of kin have been notified of this decision. Our hearts go out to the families, loved ones and friends of those who remain missing and the deceased."

The seven others aboard the plane were pilot Jason Winters and passengers Sandy Williams, Joanne Mera, Patricia Hicks, Luke Ludwig, Rebecca Ludwig, and Gabrielle Hanna. "The Coast Guard offers its deepest sympathies to those who lost a loved one in this tragedy," Xochitl Castañeda, the search and rescue mission coordinator for the incident, said in a statement.

The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating the crash.

Hilty addressed the tragedy in an Instagram post Wednesday evening. "The last three days have been the worst of our lives," she wrote. "There are truly no words to appropriately convey the depth of our grief."

The Tony-nominated performer also used the post to correct erroneous reports that misgendered her nephew Remy. (Editor's note: EW was one such outlet, and regrets the error.) Hilty clarified that she has a niece who was not on the flight, and the family is asking to keep her name and personal information private because she is a minor.

Hilty added, "The outpouring of love and support has meant so much to everyone in our family. It has been so comforting to know just how loved Lauren, Ross, Remy and Luca truly are."

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