Smiles and sunshine at Swindon Sao Joao festival - in pictures

Singers, dancers, chefs and children at Sao Joao festival, Queens Park, Swindon <i>(Image: Newsquest)</i>
Singers, dancers, chefs and children at Sao Joao festival, Queens Park, Swindon (Image: Newsquest)

Sao Joao festival - a day that remembers a baby leaping with joy at the sound of his aunt’s voice.

For Christians, it remembers a holy moment between John the Baptist and Jesus’ mother. But at Swindon’s Queens Park there was plenty of leaping for everyone to remember.

On July 22 it hosted bands playing upbeat traditional Goan music and well-known classics.

While one young boy sang Stevie Wonder, others danced on the lawn. All around food stalls bearing familiar town centre names served South Indian delicacies.

A barbecue roasted bright red marinaded chicken, filled pao (sandwiches), mocktails and Goan snacks.

Bright colour was the order of the day as the sunshine picked out flower garlands worn on heads and around necks.

Present was Swindon mayor, councillor Imtiyaz Shaikh, drinking a cashew mocktail. He said: “It is a fantastic event to bring all the community together.”

Cllr Domingos, organiser, previously said: “No festival is complete without a hearty meal and São João is no different.”

Fruits are typically offered and Swindon was no different, with colourful fruit baskets and sweets dotted around.

Meanwhile, the ice cream van did a fast trade as families sought to cool off from the heat.

While there was no well-diving as is traditional, Swindon’s Sao Joao did go down well.