Smoke From Lake Fire Hangs Over California Mountain Range

Fire activity in Figueroa Mountain, California, made for a hazy landscape on July 8, as smoke spread through across mountain range.

This footage was published by Scott Safechuck, a spokesman for the Santa Barbara County Fire Department, and shows the Lake Fire between Figueroa Mountain and Grass Mountain.

According to forest services, the Lake Fire began just north of Los Olivos, near Zaca Lake, on Friday afternoon.

As of Monday, the fire had burned some 21,763 acres, and was only 8 percent contained, according to Cal Fire.

Safechuck told SF Gate the fire had approached Neverland Ranch, the former home of Michael Jackson, but that they had

Video transcript

And we're looking at Grass Mountain here, you can see the fire is uh has moved through most of this area.

Uh Looking north on uh Figaro Mountain here towards Grass Mountain.

You can see on this backside of this lower ridge right here.

Uh You have a lot of uh fire activity down in there that's causing that smoke.

And we're looking at Grass Mountain here, you can see the fire is uh has moved through most of this area.

Uh Looking north on uh Figaro Mountain here towards Grass Mountain.

You can see on this backside of this lower ridge right here.

Uh You have a lot of uh fire activity down in there that's causing that smoke.

And we're looking at Grass Mountain here.

You can see the fire is uh has moved through most of this area.

Uh Looking north on uh Figaro Mountain here towards Grass Mountain.

You can see on this backside of this lower ridge right here.

Uh You have a lot of uh fire activity down in there that's causing that smoke.