SNP access drive leaves middle class students four times less likely to enter prestigious law school

View of New College building at the University of Edinburgh
The University of Edinburgh provides one of the most sought-after law courses in Scotland - Konrad Zelazowski / Alamy Stock Photo

Fewer than one in 10 middle class Scottish children who apply to study law at one of the country’s most eminent universities are admitted thanks to the SNP’s “unfair” social engineering policies.

The Telegraph can disclose that only 27 Scottish-domicile youngsters of the 354 that applied from the wealthiest backgrounds won an undergraduate place at the University of Edinburgh in the current academic year.

The 7.6 per cent success rate compared to the 32.7 per cent of the poorest youngsters who were admitted to study law, with 53 out of 162 being accepted. This means that the most deprived youngsters were 4.3 times more likely to get a place.

However, more than nine out of 10 middle-class children also missed out, according to figures released by the university under the Freedom of Information Act.

Universities across Scotland have overhauled admissions policies in a bid to hit SNP government targets, which state that 20 per cent of students entering university should come from the poorest fifth of Scotland by the end of the decade.

They achieved an interim target of 16 per cent last summer, partly thanks to the introduction of “contextualised” admissions policies, which mean grade requirements are lowered for youngsters from poorer backgrounds.

For law, the University of Edinburgh requires applicants from middle-class and wealthier families to get five Highers at A grade, or three A-levels, two at A grade and one at A*.

However, poorer children who benefit from the “widening access agenda” need only get four Highers – three at A grade and one B – or three A levels with one A grade and two Bs.

The challenge facing middle-class youngsters to win a place is exacerbated by the SNP’s free tuition policy, which caps the number of places available to Scottish students so that the pledge is affordable.

This leads to huge competition for places among those who are not classified as deprived. In contrast, there is no cap on places for students from the rest of the UK as they pay fees.

‘Other students are missing out’

Liam Kerr, the Scottish Tories’ shadow education secretary said: “While it is crucial universities are ensuring they are accessible to students from disadvantaged backgrounds, it is clear other students are missing out simply due to where they live.

“Coupled with the SNP’s arbitrary cap on places for Scottish students, it means certain students are being denied studying their favoured subjects through no fault of their own. The outcome is crude and unfair, and entirely of the SNP’s making.”

Data from the University of Edinburgh published a year ago showed no Scottish student not classified as disadvantaged won a place on its law course in the 2022-23 academic year.

The university provided The Telegraph with updated figures for admissions for the 2023-24 year, broken down by the background of the applicant using two measurements.

The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) is the SNP Government’s official tool used to identify geographical concentrations of poverty, using 38 indicators such as income, employment and crime levels.

This ranks areas in five categories but has been criticised as it reflects a geographical area rather than individual circumstances.

The university received 147 applications from students in SIMD 2 areas, the second poorest category, but only 14 were accepted (9.5 per cent). For SIMD 3, the middle category, only 10 out of 166 youngsters won a place (6 per cent).

The proportion accepted for SIMD 4 applicants, the second wealthiest category, was 7.2 per cent, with 16 out of 221 being successful.

However, the university also uses a second index called A Classification of Residential Neighbourhoods in its “contextual” admissions process.

This divides applicants into six categories, with “affluent achievers” at the top. Only 33 of the 475 applicants (6.9 per cent) with this ranking won a place last year.

A further 13 out of 111 youngsters (11.7 per cent) from areas of “rising prosperity” were successful and 19 out of the 195 (9.7 per cent) of those deemed to be from “comfortable” backgrounds.

The success rate increased to 15 per cent for those who were “financially stretched”, with 32 applicants accepted out of 214. This rose again to 21.4 per cent for those in the “urban adversity” category, with 25 winning a place out of 117 applicants.

‘As fair and robust as possible’

A University of Edinburgh spokesman said: “We receive a very large number of applications for places every year. Our admissions processes are designed to ensure that, where possible, there are students from a range of backgrounds on our degree programmes.

“We aim to ensure that our approach is as fair and robust as possible and our contextual admissions measures are founded on research, institutional modelling and government policy.

“Entry into the University of Edinburgh is highly competitive and our intake of students for the current academic year has been relatively evenly distributed across all backgrounds for all subject areas.”

A Scottish government spokesman said: “Every child growing up in Scotland should have an equal chance of attending university, regardless of their background and circumstances.

“Latest official statistics show we have a record number of students from Scotland’s most deprived communities entering university. That is progress which should be welcomed.”

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