SNP MSP backs UK-wide conversion therapy ban for gay and trans people

A former SNP equalities minister has backed a four nation approach on outlawing conversion therapy for gay and trans people.

Emma Roddick, who was in charge of the SNP Government consultation on the issue, said she would welcome an incoming Keir Starmer Government banning the practices “wherever” they occurred.

Conversion practices are an attempt to change or suppress a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

They are believed to violate an individual’s human rights, but critics of a ban worry legislation could criminalise parents.

The Scottish Government consultation closed in April and new First Minister John Swinney is reflecting on the responses.

Roddick stood down as a minister this month and she has now proposed her SNP colleagues work with an incoming Labour government.

The Highlands and Islands MSP told the Record: “SNP policy for a couple of elections was that we hoped the UK Government would move forward with what was, at the time, a cross-party consensus issue that UK Tories committed to: to ban conversion practices.

“These are practices that are carried out – usually on gay or trans people – in an attempt to force a change in the victim’s sexuality or gender identity. We know that this is not possible: what happens instead is people are left with lifelong trauma; mental and physical scars that can lead to constant pain and even suicide.

“That conversion practices still happen in Scotland not only means people are still at risk of harm, but that a message is being sent that some sexual orientations are more legitimate than others, and that they can be changed or even 'fixed'. That is not true."

She added: “While the Scottish bill planned would ban these harmful practices in Scotland, I hope that any new UK Government will look at the picture across the UK, and the evidence gathered in Scotland, and consider the best way to put an end to these practices wherever they are taking place.

“I would love to see these practices banned across all four nations and hope that this will become the reality soon. We know from other efforts in Scotland to progress equality legislation that the UK Government taking similar action, or at least agreeing not to stop devolved nations from going ahead with our own, can - unfortunately - make a huge difference in its success.

“Banning these harmful practices is something we all once agreed on - let's get back to that place.”

A four nation approach could mean the UK Government, or a backbencher, steering legislation through Westminster and Holyrood rubber stamping it.

Senior Scottish Labour figures are also sympathetic to a cross-border approach.

Labour MSP Paul O’Kane said “Labour is committed to ending the cruel practice of conversion therapy across the UK.

“The Scottish Government stated they will bring forward a Bill so Scottish Labour will look closely at the proposals once published in order to ensure they deliver a thorough and workable ban.

“Labour will always work to strengthen equality and LGBT+ rights in government.”

Equalities Minister Kaukab Stewart said: “The Scottish Government is committed to ending conversion practices in Scotland which aim to change or suppress a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. They are damaging and destructive acts that violate people’s human rights. Sadly, these practices still happen today and they have absolutely no place in Scotland.

“We are leading the way in the UK and joining the growing list of countries acting to address this harm and have published detailed proposals on how we will do this. We would urge the UK Government to do the same and ban conversion practices in England and Wales to ensure protections for everyone.

“Our consultation on ending conversion practices in Scotland closed last month and responses are being analysed and considered to inform a future Bill that the Scottish Government will introduce.”

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