There’s a solution to the problem of dangerous cyclists: force bikes to have number plates

Cyclists pass along Chelsea Embankment towards Westminster
Cyclists pass along Chelsea Embankment towards Westminster

An irony of our criminal justice system is that it appears all right to kill someone by cycling recklessly, but a crime liable to a prison sentence (and quite right too) to kill by driving recklessly.

Recently a cyclist, Brian Fitzgerald, hit an elderly woman in Regent’s Park in London when travelling faster than the speed limit on his racing bike. She died from her injuries; yet no case was brought against Fitzgerald because, according to the Metropolitan Police, there was “insufficient evidence for a real prospect of conviction”. One would have thought the dead woman, the undisputed fact that she died after being hit by the bike, and the scientifically-reached finding that Fitzgerald was riding at up to 29mph was evidence enough.

Although some MPs wish to put on the statute book an offence of causing death by dangerous cycling, such offences already exist. In 2017 a youth called Charlie Alliston was jailed by an Old Bailey judge for 18 months under a law of 1861 that criminalises “furious driving” of any machine, including a bicycle. His victim, a 44-year-old woman, died of head injuries when he hit her as she crossed a street in London. His bike was illegal as it had no front brake, a popular customisation among certain obsessives. He was acquitted of manslaughter, and surely was lucky to be so.

Cycling groups are outraged at the attempt to punish the minority of them who ride recklessly for any harm they cause while doing so. Why? They have long, and justifiably, crusaded against drivers who are reckless towards them – the broadcaster Jeremy Vine has made a second career of doing this, publishing videos of himself yelling at ignorant motorists. Perhaps we should start publishing videos of the rest of us yelling at ignorant cyclists, of whom there are some.

Those who, such as me, walk a lot around London or any big city, have seen it all. The most popular outrage is riding through a red light, usually at speed, while innocent pedestrians cross at the sign of a green man. I was most recently almost mown down last Thursday.

They ride on pavements (observing, perhaps, the old joke about it being the best way to keep death off the road). They go the wrong way down one-way streets. They go the wrong way down the left side of a two-way street.

Any motorist who did such things would rapidly fall foul of the police – not because there would be a copper nearby, because usually there would not be, but because a concerned citizen would take a registration number and make a phone call. Perhaps therein lies the answer.

The majority of motorists who behave well suffer an abundance of regulation because of the minority who don’t. Because of the spread of delinquency, the majority of decent cyclists must now suffer.

All bikes on the public highway should bear a rear number plate, easily visible to those who have just almost been run over. A modest registration fee should be levied by the Department of Transport to cover bureaucratic costs (though applications could be made online) and to cover the employment of more police to catch offenders in the act.

Those found guilty of offences could, like motorists, be fined, banned from the road for a certain time, or locked up, or all three. If arrogant behaviour persists then, also like motorists, cyclists could be made to pass a test or take out insurance; and if so they would know whom to blame. In an age where equality is so fashionable, here’s another opportunity to extend it.