15 Tweets About Dating In Your 30s That Are As Funny As They Are Depressing

IDK if you've noticed, but dating in your 30s nowadays takes the strength, will, and confidence of a million average men to survive. Here are 15 tweets that prove it.

1. Agree, they can literally meet at any McDonald’s PlayPlace in America.

Twitter: @justsydnyc / Via Twitter: @Justsydnyc

2. Standards? Never met her. Can you read, and does your card on file with Uber Eats work?

Twitter: @PlagueOfGripes / Via Twitter: @PlagueOfGripes

3. Black Cat, here! Not sure how I would survive ending up with a Golden Retriever personality type, but I guess I would have to try.

Twitter: aardvarsk / Via Twitter: @aardvarsk

4. I could think of three dozen more reasons why dating men is funny, but this is a good starting point.

Twitter: @holy_schnitt / Via Twitter: @holy_schnitt

5. Hey married friends! Before you give dating advice, just remember — DON’T.

Twitter: @kaylajohnsonatla / Via Twitter: @kaylajohnsonatl

6. Why are you using punctuation, do you hate me??

Twitter: @RefilweSeboko / Via Twitter: @RefilweSeboko

7. I’m not seeing the problem here, am I the problem here?

@MajorPhilebrity / Via Twitter: @MajorPhilebrity

8. Unfortunately, I think you’re on to something, Mean Maria.

Twitter: @mitchellscomet / Via Twitter: @mitchellscomet

9. Excuse me, what do you know that we don’t know? What are we training for?? Because I’m not joining a run club under any circumstances, babe.

Twitter: @Azulllaa / Via Twitter: @Azulllaa

10. 10/10 no notes.

Twitter: @thinklikegemini / Via Twitter: @thinklikegemini

11. Not one note! I will disappear in a FLASH.

@NoContextBrits / Via Twitter: @NoContextBrits

12. Yes, AND YES! Because absolutely not. No, I’m not up. It’s 8 p.m., sweetie.

Twitter: @mvddm / Via Twitter: @mvddm

13. Are you suggesting that I, BE MYSELF? Is that really what it’s come to??

Twitter: @t0nit0ne / Via Twitter: @t0nit0ne

14. Yes, of course. Please bring extra tablets to our first date if we make it that far. Thx.

Twitter: @hingo / Via Twitter: @hingo

15. I couldn't have said it better myself. Ya’ll be safe out there, ya hear!?

Twitter: tree_no_branch / Via Twitter: @tree_no_branch

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