Somerset babies swim their way to record breaking Splashathons

Somerset babies swim their way to record breaking Splashathons <i>(Image: Water Babies)</i>
Somerset babies swim their way to record breaking Splashathons (Image: Water Babies)

Over 1500 babies across Devon, Somerset, Dorset and Salisbury took to the water to raise over £700,000.

They completed swimming challenges in colourful costumes, as part of the 'Splashathon' fundraising events.

Money was raised for the charities Tommy's and the Children's Alliance.

The total amount this year broke records at a sum of £701,087.

Water Babies South West territory manager, Amie Sellick said: "It’s a time to come together, enjoy ourselves with a big party in the pool and raise money for two fantastic charities.

"I am always so amazed and overwhelmed with the enormous amount of effort that everyone puts in."

The 'Splashathon' events are bi-annual, taking place at various venues.

So far, Water Babies has raised over £6 million since these events began in 2006.

The funds could potentially support the UK’s first Tommy’s National Centre for Preterm Birth Research for a year.

This fundraiser could support initiatives such as allowing a child with cerebral palsy to join a specialist group swimming session or purchasing a wetsuit for a child in recovery from cancer.

Other representatives from Water Babies, Tommy’s and the Children’s Alliance also expressed gratitude for the families' participation, the generous donations, and the team effort that went into their successful ‘Splashathons’.