Somerset is getting a new hotel near a key regeneration site

Planned site of new hotel on Saxonvale in Frome
Planned site of new hotel on Saxonvale in Frome -Credit:Google Maps

Flats near a key Somerset regeneration site will be turned into a new hotel after plans were approved by local councillors. Earthaus Property Ltd. put forward plans to convert the four existing flats at 1 Saxonvale in Frome into an eight-bedroom hotel, which would overlook the Saxonvale regeneration site.

The plans were called into Somerset Council's planning committee east (which handles major applications in the former Mendip area) after local councillors raised concerns about the loss of one-bedroom accommodation in the town. But despite these concerns, the committee voted to approve the plans with minimal debate, arguing it would be good for the town's economy.

The flats lies back from the western side of Saxonvale, opposite the regeneration site, backing onto Church Street to the south. Each of the new hotel rooms created from the conversion will be en suite, with the occupants being within walking distance of town centre shops and the River Frome.

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The hotel rooms will be arranged across the first and second floors of the current building, with the ground floor remaining intact. Councillor Michael Dunk, whose Frome West division includes the site, spoke out against the plans when the planning committee east convened in Shepton Mallet on May 7.

He said: "I'm unhappy about this, because it's not the sort of accommodation we're particularly short on in Frome. There are a lot of AirBnBs, as we all know - there are three or four in my street alone.

"But what we are short of is one- or two-bedroom flats. We need that sort of thing in the town centre, and it's a shame that we don't have a policy that covers that.

"You could say we need the business, but I think we are in need of town centre living spaces or offices as a priority above that." Planning officer Carlton Langford clarified that there was no policy within the current Mendip Local Plan (either Part I or Part II) which would allow for the plans to be refused on the grounds of a shortage of particular kinds of accommodation in a given area.

While both parts of the Local Plan include provisions for the amount of affordable housing within new developments (30 per cent for any new development of ten homes or above), these can be revised downwards if concerns emerge about the viability of a given scheme. Councillor Dawn Denton (Frome North) said: "Frome is the up-and-coming destination.

The Saxonvale site in Frome in early-2021
The Saxonvale site in Frome in early-2021 -Credit:Mayday Saxonvale

"There are loads of events happening in the town, and there is a lack of hotel space. The Cheese and Grain is full regularly, and accommodation would be very useful. I would support this."

After less than 20 minutes' debate, the committee voted to approve the plans by five votes to three, with one abstention.

Councilllor Ros Wyke, portfolio holder for economic development, planning and assets, told the full council in late-April that a final decision on the future development of the Saxonvale site would be taken before the end of the summer. She said: "Following a judicial review judgement which ruled against the former Mendip District Council planning approval of a proposed development by Acorn Group in October 2023, officers from our strategic asset management team have been working with external advisers and Frome Town Council to review options for the development of this long-derelict site in the centre of Frome.

Councillor Ros Wyke within the Firepool Centre for Digital Innovation in Taunton
Councillor Ros Wyke within the Firepool Centre for Digital Innovation in Taunton -Credit:Daniel Mumby

"Proposals from two potential developers (Acorn Group and Mayday Saxonvale) will be evaluated against other options. Subject to the resolution of outstanding planning matters and viability/ funding appraisals by both potential developers - and the impact of any pre-election period - a decision on a preferred option for the site is anticipated in the summer of 2024.

"Councillors will be aware that this is a very sensitive, emotionally-charged site; all parties are working alongside community representatives to try to make progress. The worst possible outcome for the site would be for it to be left undeveloped for years to come."