'Say sorry for snapping my leg in half' - grandma's appeal after cyclist ploughs into her in Arnold

Yvonne Boot
-Credit: (Image: Supplied)

A Nottinghamshire grandma wants an apology from a cyclist who rode into her in a town centre, causing her leg to "snap in half". Yvonne Boot, 71, was struck by the male rider while walking through the pedestrianised part of Arnold on June 9.

The pensioner, who spent two weeks in hospital and had to undergo surgery, said she had been left trapped in her flat and has been told it will take her at least six months to walk properly again. "It's been horrendous," she said.

"I've not been outside, I've been stuck in my flat, I can't even sit in the garden." Nottinghamshire Police are investigating the incident, which happened at around 1pm, and have urged the rider to get in touch.

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Ms Boot's granddaughter, Libbi Richardson, said the family wanted an apology from the cyclist. "She knows it was an accident, she doesn't want him to be punished but would like an apology when she is not on the floor with a broken leg.

Recalling the crash, Ms Boot said the cyclist came from the other side of a white van while she was walking towards B&M. "A person came down from the other side of the van and as I walked out he got me," she said.

"My bag and phone went up and I was on the floor. I couldn't talk, I couldn't answer. All I can remember is being in absolute agony laying on the street with a broken leg."

The man stopped at the scene to apologise initially, but left shortly after, Ms Boot said. "I heard someone say I'm sorry but I didn't pay much attention because I was in absolute agony. I'd never felt pain like it."

The grandma, whose left femur was snapped in half, was taken to A&E and underwent surgery. She spent two weeks in hospital, where she also had a third full hip replacement.

Ms Boot is now only able to walk around her flat with the aid of a frame and relies on her grandson to help her with basic tasks. "I can't even get myself cleaned up properly," she said.

X-ray showing Ms Boot's snapped femur
Ms Boot's femur was snapped in half -Credit:Supplied

"I've not told all my friends [about the crash] yet because it's too traumatising." Ms Boot said she regularly saw people riding bikes and scooters through Arnold town centre.

"I don't think he went into me intentionally but he shouldn't have been riding there," she said. "He shouldn't be where people are walking about. He was going at some speed to cause the impact that he did.

"He should have stopped and walked. If a child had been walking there, God knows what would have happened. People should be able to walk, that part is meant to be walked on."

Ms Richardson said she had been left "really angry" by the incident. "If you're going through there you should be pushing the bike or using the road.

"That was my first thought. He was obviously going at some speed. I was really angry and I still am."

The 22-year-old teaching assistant posted about the crash in a local Facebook group and said many others had reported "similar things" including near misses. Police Constable Jon Pinnick, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: “We are following multiple lines of inquiry but would like to hear from anyone with any dashcam, doorbell or other footage which could help.

“We want to hear from the cyclist involved in this collision. He stopped at the scene until paramedics arrived but did not leave any details so I would urge him to get in touch with us.”