South Lanarkshire residents are being asked to share their thoughts on the future of the area

-Credit:Stuart Vance/ReachPlc
-Credit:Stuart Vance/ReachPlc

South Lanarkshire residents are being urged to help shape the future of the community.

The council is preparing a Local Development Plan three which looks at land across the area and shows how it should be used in the future to meet needs.

The plan includes homes, transport, schools, businesses, greenspace and healthcare, and will identify where these needs can best be met and who should deliver them.

The council is seeking views of local people to help inform on what works well in their area and needs protection and what can be improved.

Fraser Carlin, Head of Planning and Regulatory Services, said: “Local communities now have a great opportunity to get directly involved in helping to shape their areas by telling us what they want to see protected or provided in LDP3.

“This is the start of the LDP process and the first of a number of surveys that will be carried out over the course of the LDP which is expected to be adopted in 2027.

“The council will be visiting many locations across South Lanarkshire to discuss ideas directly with communities. You can check the council’s social media accounts for more details.”

Locals can share their thoughts via a survey which is open until September 30.

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