South Pacific tribe that worshiped Prince Philip as a living god plans to set up political movement

Prince Philip sent the islanders signed photographs of himself - Reuters
Prince Philip sent the islanders signed photographs of himself - Reuters

An island tribe in the South Pacific which has worshiped Prince Philip as a god for decades is thinking of establishing a political movement in the wake of his death.

While the Duke of Edinburgh had a reputation for making politically incorrect remarks about other cultures, from Australian Aborigines to the Chinese, on the volcanic island of Tanna in Vanuatu he is held in high esteem.

A cluster of villages that worshiped him as a living deity held grief-stricken meetings on Saturday to decide how to commemorate his death.

Their plan to set up a political party is not as unlikely as it sounds – a rival cult on Tanna called the John Frum Movement formed a political party some years ago and even managed to send an MP to the national parliament in Port Vila, the capital of Vanuatu.

For decades the tribe on the island of Tanna worshiped Prince Philip as a living deity - Nick Squires
For decades the tribe on the island of Tanna worshiped Prince Philip as a living deity - Nick Squires

The islanders who worshiped Prince Philip live in a remote part of the forest on Tanna but were informed of his death by an anthropologist who lives on the island.

Jean-Pascal Wahé drove up to the villages of Yakel and Yaohnanen in a four-wheel-drive from his base on the west coast of Tanna.

He said the villagers would be “very upset” to be told of the death of the Duke, who they refer to in pidgin English as “number one big fella him bilong Misis Kwin (Queen).”

Kirk Huffman, a British anthropologist who worked in Vanuatu for many years and is in contact with the people of Tanna, said it was hard to say when a funerary ceremony for Prince Philip would be held.

But the details will be thrashed out over endless cups of kava, a mildly narcotic drink resembling muddy water that is made from the crushed roots of a pepper plant.

Children in the village of Yaohnanen, one of the villages that held the Duke of Edinburgh in high regard - Nick Squires
Children in the village of Yaohnanen, one of the villages that held the Duke of Edinburgh in high regard - Nick Squires

“It could be days from now, it could be weeks. They are meeting today to decide how to proceed with the funerary rituals and to figure out how to pay their respects to Prince Philip,” he told The Telegraph.

“There are two slightly antagonistic groups that have come together. They will iron out their differences and come to an agreement. They’re experts at conflict resolution – that is the Vanuatu way.

“I have had messages from the son of one of the big chiefs and it seems that what may come out of this is that they will try to form a political party, just like the John Frum Movement across the island.”

The John Frum Movement is a cargo cult that emerged in the 1930s when islanders rebelled against the proselytizing of Presbyterian missionaries and put their faith in a shadowy figure called John Frum.

The cult was strengthened during the Second World War when the Americans arrived with huge quantities of “cargo”, from aircraft and tanks to medicine and food.

Prince Philip was identified with an island spirit who left Tanna to seek a powerful wife  - Corbis
Prince Philip was identified with an island spirit who left Tanna to seek a powerful wife - Corbis

The Tannese – the people of Tanna – were impressed to see black and white American soldiers working together in contrast to the treatment they received from British and French colonial officials. The Messiah-like figure of John Frum slowly morphed into that of a mysterious American soldier.

In a village at the foot of an active volcano, they still hold a ceremony each year in which the local men dress up in home-made US army uniforms, drill with bamboo rifles and parade beneath the Stars and Stripes in the hope of enticing a delivery of cargo once again.

“For these islanders to establish political movements, it is just a modernised version of traditional power politics,” said Mr Huffman. “There is constant jostling between the clans.

“The John Frum Movement managed to have an MP in parliament. The Prince Philip Movement has been discussing doing something similar. They see that Christianised groups have representation and for them Christianity is just another cargo cult.”

Tanna is one of many islands that make up the nation of Vanuatu - CuboImages
Tanna is one of many islands that make up the nation of Vanuatu - CuboImages

The Prince Philip Movement originated decades ago when Vanuatu was known as the New Hebrides, an Anglo-French Condominium or colony.

The islanders came to associate the Queen’s consort with an ancient prophecy that said a spirit from Tanna would venture far away in search of a powerful woman to marry.

Elements of Christianity such as the Second Coming of Christ, taught to the islanders by missionaries, were blended into their beliefs.

The prince's cult-like status received a boost when he paid a state visit to the New Hebrides in 1974 – six years before independence was granted to the Condominium, nicknamed “the Pandemonium” because of the confusing clash of French and British language, police forces, judicial systems and schools.

The prince was well aware of the belief in his divinity. He sent the islanders a signed, official photograph of himself, which became a prized possession among his followers.

In return the villagers sent him a traditional pig-slaughtering club called a nal-nal. He in turn sent back a photo of himself holding the club.

It is not just on Tanna that the Duke’s death has been met with sadness. People on Malakula, another island in Vanuatu, are also “very sad”, said Mr Huffman.

“The prince visited the island and took part in traditional rituals. They gave him titles and set up dolmen stone monoliths in his honour. In Vanuatu, if you want to solidify your position you have to take part in rituals and receive titles.”

Vanuatu, a member of the Commonwealth, has a population of just 300,000 people but boasts more than 130 different languages, making it one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world.