South Shields mum takes long-awaited honeymoon after winning share of Postcode Lottery jackpot

Ashley Laughton and her husband Colin
Ashley Laughton and her husband Colin -Credit:People's Postcode Lottery

A South Shields mum is finally taking her honeymoon after winning a share of the People's Postcode lottery.

Ashley Laughton, 36, bagged £76,923 after spending just £24 on the lottery since signing up two months ago. Ashley, who is training to be a beauty therapist at Newcastle College, shared the £1m pot with 10 neighbours in South Shields after her postcode won the weekly millionaire street prize on Saturday, May 11.

Nine neighbours won £76,923 each with two others doubling their prize to £153,846, thanks to playing with two tickets. The mum-of-four said that the win felt like a dream.

She said: "I’m shaking. We’ve got four kids. Two of them don’t even own a passport and have never been on holiday before."

Ashley and Colin wed in 2021 when Covid restrictions were eased after Ashley received the heartbreaking news that her dad had been given just 12 months to live. There was no honeymoon after their low-key, post pandemic wedding, but they're now planning to take their kids with them - two of whom have never been abroad before.

College student Ashley said: "We literally went to the registry office and went to a local pub after. We were only allowed so many people.

"We’ve never been on our own other than our wedding night. We don’t really have anyone for babysitting. We’ve both got our mums, but to take four kids is a big ask."

The couple haven't decided on a honeymoon destination yet - but after a tough few years for the family they intend on letting their 17-year-old son and three daughters aged 14, 11, and 6 choose their dream holiday.

Colin added: "If the kids want to go on an aeroplane anywhere, I’d think they’d want to go to the other side of the world. It’s nice that we’ll be able to do something for them. It’s just beyond!"

Ashley wants to spend money decorating her house before breast enhancement surgery. She continued: "We can do stuff to the house, and I might get new boobs. I'm sure he (Colin)'ll be happy when I get my boobs done!"