SP Hinduja: Billionaire head of Britain's richest family dies

The head of Britain's richest family has died at the age of 87.

Billionaire businessman Srichand Hinduja "passed away peacefully" on Wednesday, a family spokesman said.

Mr Hinduja, who was known as SP, was described by the spokesman as a "visionary titan of industry and business".

His family - said to be worth more than £28bn - topped the Sunday Times Rich List in 2022.

Their business, the Hinduja Group conglomerate, was founded more than a century ago in India.

It was run out of Iran for decades before the revolution in the 1970s forced it to move to the UK.

The company, which now spans much of the world, deals with everything from banking and oil to automotive groups, healthcare and cybersecurity.

Mr Hinduja was catapulted into the spotlight during the early days of Tony Blair's premiership when Labour MPs were accused of lobbying to help him get British citizenship.

It led to the resignation of Peter Mandelson, who at the time was serving as Northern Ireland secretary.

Family dispute

In November 2022, the business tycoon hit headlines after he became the centrepiece of a feud between relatives after being diagnosed with dementia.

The case was presented in the Court of Protection, where judges consider issues about people who lack the mental capacity to make decisions.

During the hearing, a judge said that at one stage during proceedings, he had considered placing Mr Hinduja in a public nursing home.

Mr Justice Hayden concluded that Mr Hinduja should leave hospital, but said relatives had not found private accommodation despite the "extraordinary scope and reach of their financial capacity".

Following his death, a family statement said: "SP journeyed through life with deep humility and dignity, always seeking to bring people together in a common interest.

"Amongst other things, SP will be remembered for his great contributions in bringing India and its culture to the global stage through his work and philanthropic efforts.

"SP passed away peacefully this morning, looked after by members of his family and we are at peace knowing that he will be reunited with his beloved wife and son in the afterlife."