Spanish court backs man to walk streets naked

SHOWS: Alejandro Colomar

STORY: It did, however, acknowledge a "legal vacuum" in Spanish law regarding public nudity.

Colomar was filmed arriving at court wearing just a pair of hiking boots before being ordered to put more clothes on to enter the building. In the trial, he argued that the fines infringed on his right to ideological freedom.

He told Reuters on Friday (February 3) he began stripping off in public in 2020 and has received more support than insults when walking about naked.

"The fine doesn't make any sense," he said standing on his bike in Aldaia, near Valencia. "They accused me of obscene exhibitionism. According to the dictionary that implies a sexual intention and it has nothing to do with what I was doing."


The court noted that no local law in Aldaia prohibits nudism and nor could his nudity be considered to fall within a law that prohibits "acts of obscene exhibitionism".

Colomar "limited himself to remaining or circulating naked at different times in two different streets of Aldaia,"the court said in its ruling. His behavior did not imply an "alteration of citizen security, tranquility or public order."