Special twist added to popular County Durham forest trail for 25th birthday

Olympic twist to popular Gruffalo trail in Hamsterley Forest announced <i>(Image: Forestry England / Crown copyright)</i>
Olympic twist to popular Gruffalo trail in Hamsterley Forest announced (Image: Forestry England / Crown copyright)

An Olympic touch has been announced to a popular forest trail as the country looks towards the summer games in Paris.

Visitors will be able to enjoy the addition of hidden Gruffalo character signs and sporty, Olympic-related challenges to a family-friendly trek at Hamsterley Forest, managed by Forestry England.

(Image: Forestry England / Crown copyright)

This interactive challenge will see folks of all ages immerse themselves in an adventurous hunt for signage followed by athletic tests aimed at their skills and agility.

The trail will include scattered letters that participants must spot. These hold the secret to a special Olympic-themed word.

The Gruffalo activity will be free of charge, starting on July 23, just in time for the summer school holidays.

(Image: Forestry England / Crown copyright)

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(Image: Forestry England / Crown copyright)

And on August 9 visitors have the opportunity to meet the iconic Gruffalo in person.

Adding to the fun and festivities, Forestry England is offering a downloadable Gruffalo Picnic Party Park.

This will equip visitors with everything required for a 'memorable' Gruffalo-themed picnic celebration.

For more details, visit the Forestry England website.