Speed limit to be cut to 20mph on more than 3,800 Glasgow streets

Crowds of people passing shops and businesses on Buchanan Street, one of Glasgow's busiest shopping streets. -Credit:Getty Images
Crowds of people passing shops and businesses on Buchanan Street, one of Glasgow's busiest shopping streets. -Credit:Getty Images

Thousands of streets across Glasgow are set to have the speed limit lowered from 30mph to 20mph.

The proposed changes follow in-depth analysis of the city’s road network and would see speeds reduced on 3,868 streets in total.

The move is aimed to make roads safer and encourage more walking and cycling in quieter and less congested neighbourhoods. .

City leaders agreed a policy in 2020 to make 20mph limits the standard for all residential streets, the city centre, other main shopping areas or where there are high levels of walking, wheeling or cycling.

Alongside capital funding, the scheme is being supported by a grant from Places for Everyone, an active travel infrastructure fund backed by Transport Scotland and administered by Sustrans.

Councillor Angus Millar, city convener for climate and transport, explained: “A city-wide 20mph speed limit will bring Glasgow in line with many other UK cities and help to create safer streets and communities for all of us, reducing the risk of accidents and the severity of injuries sustained.

“Reducing the impact of traffic on communities will also contribute to the wider shift needed towards more sustainable forms of transport which is vital if we are to achieve our target of Glasgow becoming carbon neutral by 2030.

“We know that many other cities have a 20mph speed limit and the evidence that’s been gathered shows a minimal impact on the journey times for cars and buses.

“Reduced speed limits on local roads can help create a safer environment for children and other vulnerable road users, while encouraging more people to walk, wheel and cycle."

He added: “Moving to 20mph is a technically complex undertaking and the council has been working with national partners to identify the best mechanisms to take this work forward.

“Now that the roads assessment is complete, the necessary legal, technical and logistical work required to implement the new 20mph speed limit can start.

“We will also be engaging with stakeholders and will continue to raise awareness of the mandatory speed limit to encourage drivers to lower their speeds in line with the new limit.”

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