A sperm bank that gives people VR porn headsets opens in Manchester and is looking for donors

The centre in Manchester Science Park is on the hunt for donors
The centre in Manchester Science Park is on the hunt for donors -Credit:Cryos International

A sperm bank that provides VR porn headsets and free therapy sessions has opened its doors in Manchester.

It’s the first UK location from Cryos International, the world's biggest sperm and egg donation bank which is based in Denmark.

The centre in Manchester Science Park has a premium subscription to PornHub and is equipped with VR headsets that offer an ‘immersive experience’. It follows clinical research from Cryos that showed the use of VR porn can improve quality and increase sperm count by up to 50 per cent.

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Before being accepted, donors go through a thorough screening process that includes professional counselling, in order to ensure they are mentally fit and know what it means to become a donor.

The centre offers VR headsets and has a premium subscription to Pornhub
The centre offers VR headsets and has a premium subscription to Pornhub -Credit:Cryos International

Donors are compensated £35 per donation. If three donations are made a week it means they can receive up to £420 a month. All eligible men can apply but the rigorous screening process means that only 5 to 10 percent are accepted as donors.

The centre is now welcoming applications from men of all ethnic backgrounds between the ages of 18 and 45.

Cryos International has said the opening of the new Manchester centre comes at a time of 'unprecedented demand’ for fertility services in the UK which has seen births from sperm donation triple since the turn of the millennium, despite donation numbers being at an all-time low, according to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA).

The centre is based at Manchester Science Park
The centre is based at Manchester Science Park -Credit:Manchester Evening News

This follows changes to the UK’s anonymity law which now allows children born from sperm and egg donation to find their donor’s name, birthday and last-known address once turning 18.

Cryos International chief executive Jacob Axel Nielsen said: “The opportunity to donate sperm and help someone fulfil the dream of having a child, is a feeling like no other, and as a sperm donor, you help people around the world with achieving their dream.

“Manchester is a truly vibrant, multi-cultural city and we’re beyond proud to open our first UK location here.

“At Cryos we focus on safety and transparency, and we make sure that, as a donor, you feel secure throughout the process.

“Whether donating is something you’ve been considering for a long time or a completely new idea, our welcoming team is ready to help guide you through the process with all the information and support you could require.”