Washington owner Dan Snyder accused of sending 'intruders' to harass adviser in ongoing legal battle

The legal fight between Washington Football Team owner Dan Snyder and his three limited partners keeps getting messier. According to Daniel Kaplan of The Athletic, a new court filing reveals that the limited partners have accused Snyder of “corporate malfeasance,” and allege that he sent “intruders” to the home of the partners’ adviser, John Moag, to harass him.

Washington Football Team owner Dan Snyder has been accused of corporate malfeasance by his limited partners. (Rich Barnes-USA TODAY Sports)
Washington Football Team owner Dan Snyder has been accused of corporate malfeasance by his limited partners. (Rich Barnes-USA TODAY Sports)

Ongoing legal battle between Snyder, partners

The legal issues started with the limited partners, who own 40 percent of the Football Team, trying to force Snyder to accept the sale of their stake in the team. Snyder then accused them of planting defamatory sexual misconduct stories about him in the media to strengthen their case.

It’s escalated from there. Via The Athletic, a recent affidavit filed by Moag said that the partners — Dwight Schar, Robert Rothman and Fred Smith — discovered “corporate irregularities,” including “long missing financials, breaches of the partnership agreement, and other significant issues.”

In his affidavit, Moag also accuses Snyder of sending “intruders,” also described as “investigators,” to his Baltimore home in August to harass and interrogate him.

Here’s how Moag described the incident in his affidavit, via The Athletic:

“On Saturday, August 1 at about 8:30 am, my wife, from the lower level of our home in Baltimore, called up to me saying that two strangers were at the front door to see me. At the door I saw two men, wearing no masks, and asked what they needed. I didn’t know at the time but have since confirmed that they had been hired by Snyder (who is now under instruction from the NFL to cease these intimidation tactics). In a menacing manner the two flanked me when I stepped out, moving in tandem whenever I shifted. They began, not with introducing who they were, but more provocatively, with ‘you’re John Moag who is selling part of the Redskins.’ When I asked who they were, instead of identifying themselves, they responded with words to the effect of ‘That’s not important. We represent a client interested in the Redskins and we’d like to know what you are saying about the Redskins and the owner, and what you think of the media about him on the internet.’ In no uncertain terms, I ordered them off my property, and later informed my clients about this visit.”

Snyder’s lawyers, who filed their response late on Monday night, denied all of Moag’s claims, calling them “scandalous.” They also implied that Snyder could sue Moag at a later time.

According to The Athletic, the next court date is Jan. 7. That’s when the judge presiding over the case will hear allegations from both Snyder and the limited partners that both sides have been leaking stories to the media.

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