‘Squad’ Rep. Jamaal Bowman ignores six-month anniversary of Hamas slaughter in Israel, notes 30 years since Rwandan genocide instead

“Squad” Rep. Jamaal Bowman got ripped Monday for ignoring the six-month anniversary of Hamas’ massacre of Israelis — instead only noting the 30th anniversary of genocide in Rwanda.

“Today marks 30 years since the Rwandan genocide,” the New York pol said in a statement Sunday, Oct. 7.

“The horror caused by state-sanctioned violence is unimaginable,” he wrote. “We need to fight every day to uphold human rights everywhere, for all marginalized groups facing violence. No more genocides.”

Rep. Jamaal Bowman did not make a statement on the six-month anniversary of the Oct. 7 terror attacks in Israel. Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images
Rep. Jamaal Bowman did not make a statement on the six-month anniversary of the Oct. 7 terror attacks in Israel. Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images

Bowman, who is seeking re-election to a third term in the 16th Congressional District that includes southern Westchester County and the northeast Bronx, made no mention of the infamous Oct. 7 slaughter of more than 1,200 people in Israel, mostly civilians.

But Bowman — part of the group of House members known for their extremist left-wing stances — did note he campaigned with Jewish supporters Sunday and congratulated the University of South Carolina’s women’s basketball team for winning the championship.

His Democratic primary opponent, Westchester County Executive George Latimer, acknowledged the Hamas massacre in his own statement.

“Today we commemorate 6 months since Hamas’ horrific massacre on October 7, and we reaffirm our support for the families of the 134 hostages still being held by the terror group,” Latimer wrote.

Pro-Israel activists said Bowman’s silence is telling.

“I would expect someone to have a conscience. How could you be an elected official from Westchester County and not be concerned about the horrors of Oct. 7?” said Rabbi Potasnik, executive vice chairman of the New York Board of Rabbis, noting sections of the county have heavily Jewish populations.

Bowman’s primary opponent Westchester County Executive George Latimer posted a message about the attacks on X. Peter Carr/The Journal News / USA TODAY NETWORK
Bowman’s primary opponent Westchester County Executive George Latimer posted a message about the attacks on X. Peter Carr/The Journal News / USA TODAY NETWORK

“How does Bowman look people in the eye?” he raged. “Where is the decency? The decency is deficient. Then again, nothing is shocking anymore about Jamaal Bowman.”

Mark Mellman, president of the pro-Latimer Democratic Majority For Israel, said in a statement, “Democrats in New York and across the country marked the six month anniversary of Hamas’ October 7th savage terrorist attack — but not Jamaal Bowman. There’s a reason Jamaal Bowman is trailing in this race—mainstream Democrats reject Jamaal Bowman’s extremism.”

Bowman’s campaign did not immediately respond to a Post request for comment.

A recent DMFI survey claimed Latimer led Bowman by 17 points — 52% to 35% — among likely Democratic voters in the June 25 primary. The Bowman campaign claimed the poll was off-base.

It’s not the first time that Bowman has landed in hot water for his handling of the Hamas-Israel war.

A video surfaced last month of Bowman speaking at a Nov. 17, 2023, rally referring to Israel as an “apartheid” state as he angrily claimed reported rapes and child murders during Hamas’ October terror attack were a “lie.”

A car burning following a rocket attack from Hamas in Ashkelon, Israel on Oct. 7, 2023. Photo by AHMAD GHARABLI/AFP via Getty Images
A car burning following a rocket attack from Hamas in Ashkelon, Israel on Oct. 7, 2023. Photo by AHMAD GHARABLI/AFP via Getty Images

“There was propaganda used at the beginning of the siege,” Bowman is heard in the clip shouting to a crowd during the rally in White Plains on Nov. 17.

“There’s still no evidence of beheaded babies or raped women, but they still keep using the lie,” he said, according to the video posted to TikTok and first reported by Politico.

Bowman walked back his comments after the video surfaced.

“As I said at this rally, what Hamas did on Oct. 7 is a war crime and they must release all the hostages,” he said in a statement last month. “The UN confirmed that Hamas committed rape and sexual violence, a reprehensible fact that I condemn entirely.”