Stalker bombarded ex with messages before hitting new boyfriend

Jamie ross bombarded his ex-girlfriend with calls and texts
-Credit: (Image: West Yorkshire Police)

A “besotted” stalker who bombarded his former partner with messages and calls and then assaulted her new boyfriend in the street has been jailed for more than two years.

In July last year Jamie Ross, 34, was locked up by magistrates for 12 weeks for harassing the same woman and assaulting her, but despite the justices imposing a three-year restraining order his stalking of her began again within a few weeks of being released.

Bradford Crown Court heard on Thursday that Ross and the complainant had been in a “volatile” on-off relationship and after his release from custody the defendant had professed his love for her.

But as he jailed Ross for a total of 30 months Recorder Nicholas Worsley KC said he should be ashamed of his disgusting and cowardly behaviour towards the complainant and added: "It is said on your behalf that you were besotted and that you loved (her). People who are in love do not behave like this.”

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In November last year Ross confronted his ex and her boyfriend near a Greggs shop in Holbeck and during his attack on the man the defendant punched him in the face and stamped on his head while wearing his work boots. In her victim impact statement the woman described how Ross’ behaviour had left her feeling depressed and angry.

Prosecutor Victoria Barker told the court the complainant had left her employment and had moved to a new city. In his statement the male complainant said he had suffered concussion and memory loss and he had also lost his job.

Ross, of Benn Gardens, Bradford, pleaded guilty to offences of stalking, breaching a restraining order and assault and his barrister Alasdair Campbell conceded that his client had become “besotted” with the complainant in a totally inappropriate way.

He explained that the two of the had bumped into each other accidentally after Ross was released from prison and his ex had initially agreed to go to Scarborough with him. Mr Campbell said: “He is sorry for what has happened and sorry for what he has put her through."

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He said Ross planned to move to the Blackpool area or abroad after serving his latest jail term.

Recorder Worsley said Ross’ previous behaviour towards his former partner had been appalling and when the original restraining order was imposed it was made absolutely clear to him that he must have no contact with her. The judge said Ross had repeatedly used fake social media accounts to contact his victim even after she blocked him and the assault on her new partner had been a horrible cowardly attack in front of members of the public.

Recorder Worsley said it was apparent from messages that Ross had been watching what the complainant was doing and who she was doing it with. In addition to the jail sentence Recorder Worsley also imposed a new restraining order which bans Ross from contacting the woman and her now fiancé as well as other members of their families.

The judge told Ross: “Fortunately it seems they are able to move on. They are engaged. They have a future together and that future does not include you. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes,” replied Ross. The judge said the new restraining order would last for an indefinite period meaning effectively for the rest of Ross’ life.