Star of Gogglebox on 'being broke' and going on fan-funded holidays since the TV show

Sandra Martin starred on Gogglebox with Sandy Channer
-Credit: (Image: Publicity Picture)

It's been a challenging seven-year journey for Sandra Martin since she bid farewell to appearing on Channel 4's show Gogglebox, but her fondness for the television show remains strong even though her life has seen a dramatic shift.

The grandmother of five, known as 'Queen Bee', has witnessed a significant change in her fortunes in downward spiral. She says she has tumbled from enjoying a lifestyle where Gogglebox footed all her bills to being unemployed and living in temporary accommodation while selling merchandise to put food on the table.

Sandra confesses to being "broke" and managing on £238-a-month Universal Credit, but this hasn't dented her appetite for indulging in some lavish holidays, much to the ire of internet trolls. She enjoyed memorable trips to Ibiza, Amsterdam, and Portugal, among other places, all courtesy of her generous fans who she says gladly pick up the tab for her companionship. For the latest TV & Showbiz news, sign up to our newsletter.

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Speaking exclusively with The Sun, Sandra confessed: "I've been on five holidays since Christmas Day and I'm going to Malta too, it's all because of Gogglebox. I've been to Amsterdam, Portugal, Benidorm and lots of other places. Soon I'm going to Skegness. People love me and I give them entertainment so they pay for my trips.

"It's because I've got such a large platform, I'm on social media every day and talk to my fans. People are bored and I cheer them up. I get a lot of hate for it because I'm always on planes but people gift these trips to me. It's a miracle really, they must have spent thousands of pounds on me."

Sandra's path to becoming a cherished fixture on the nation's sofas started unexpectedly during a casual drink at a Brixton pub with her mate Sandi Bogle, when a producer spotted her. She fondly recalls: "I was tipsy because I'd been on the brandy and the bartender told him 'Go to Queen Bee' and it was the best thing that happened to me."

Sandra, who once depended on state support, saw her fortunes improve dramatically when she says from 2013 onwards Gogglebox "paid for everything" covering her living expenses like rent and bills. She says: "I got paid more than anyone else, more than any of the other families because they were working and I had to come off benefits to appear on the show.

"All the bills that you have to pay for in life they dealt with for me and left me around £300 to £500 a week on top of that to get my hair and nails done and other expenses. I could have bought a house with all the money I made but I gave it away, I took care of my family and friends. I filled their fridges, took them shopping to buy clothes and paid for meals."

On top of her Gogglebox income, she also landed an advertising gig for a Chinese TV programme which netted her £10,000 - leaving her with £6,000 after deductions. Even without a job, Sandra is keeping busy with a packed schedule "booked up until next year", enjoying complimentary vacations and glitzy events, recently mingling with celebrities like Christopher Biggins and Katie Price.

Keeping her followers amused with snippets of her life on Instagram and conducting street interviews using a glittery pink microphone, Sandra has spoken about her journey saying: "I've gone from Brixton to the BAFTAs to benefits and now I'm broke but at least I'm happy and busy even though I'm technically homeless, have no money or anything." Want less ads? Download WalesOnline’s Premium app on Apple or Android.

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