Star Wars: Aftermath offers religious reason for Obi-Wan Kenobi lying to Luke Skywalker about his father's death

Throughout Star Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi consistently tells Luke how his father was killed by the infamous Darth Vader. The older Jedi adds how “from a certain point of view” that’s the true story.

Turns out, Obi-Wan wasn’t just making wise philosophical cracks at the expense of young Skywalker not learning who his father really is.

According to the latest canonical Star Wars novel - Aftermath: Empire’s End - the words “From a certain point of view” comes directly from the Journal of the Whills.

For those not so heavily invested in Star Wars mythology, the Journal of the Whills is a legendary document that recorded the events in the galaxy far, far away.

A mysterious group of beings, named Ancient Order of the Whills, kept the document. There are also the Guardians of the Whills, which include Rogue One’s Chirrut Imwe.

In the new novel, author Chuck Wendig introduces a new passage from the journal, read by members of the Church of the Force. According to io9, it goes as follows:

From the Journal of the Whills

The truth in our soul

Is that nothing is true.

The question of life

Is what then do we do?

The burden is ours

To penance, we hew.

The Force binds us all

From a certain point of view.

That last line, of course, is the one we’re most interested in. Obi-Wan was referencing the Jedi’s religious doctrine, unbeknownst to Luke.It’s a wonderful little detail from the book.

Meanwhile, also in the book, the tragic fate of the much hated Gungun, Jar Jar Binks, was revealed, the clown now being an actual clown for children.