‘Star Wars Outlaws’ Will Mark the First Open-World ‘Star Wars’ Game


The first-ever Star Wars game to feature an open world is on the way. Introducing a new character to the franchise, Star Wars Outlaws players will operate as Kay Vess, an outlaw from Canto Bight Worker's District.

Starting with pulling off small con jobs, players will build Vess’ skillset and gradually take on bigger heists. Joining Vess on her escapades is her companion Nix, a merqaal with his own special abilities.

Star Wars Outlaws is set between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. As the Galactic Empire angles to squash the Rebel Alliance entirely, Vess uses the conflict as an opportunity to climb the ladder of the criminal underworld.

The game’s open world allows players to roam the Outer Rim, including the new Moon of Toshara, which may serve as Vess’ homebase. Players will engage in open combat, space combat and vehicle combat throughout the game’s sprawling map.

Ubisoft’s Massive Entertainment developed Star Wars Outlaws in collaboration with Lucasfilm Games. Slated to arrive later this year, the game will be available across Xbox Series X|S, PS5 and PC.

Watch the first gameplay preview for Star Wars Outlaws above.