State Pension age would be pushed to 65 in new manifesto urging ‘decent retirement for all’

Elderly couple smiling
-Credit: (Image: Getty)

A campaigning union is urging some major changes around state pension in order to ensure a “decent retirement for all”, with the leading recommendation being to push the state pension age back down to 65. The state pension age is currently sitting at 66 and due to steadily rise to 68 is expected around 2046 but experts have warned the threshold would need to be around 71 by 2050, according to GB News.

The “retirement” manifesto is directed to politicians representing the needs of retired members of the union Unite, one of the country’s biggest unions representing workers in 19 different sectors. Some more radical recommendations include reintroducing a defined benefit retirement plan and compensation for Waspi women.

Other recommended changes in the manifesto are:

  • Maintain the triple lock

  • Reduce the state pension age to 65

  • A decent state pension for all

  • Compensation for Waspi women

  • Re-open defined benefit pension schemes

  • Protect the NHS

  • A publicly-run, publicly-funded national care service

  • Defend and extend key benefits

  • Publicly-run bus and rail services

  • Save and restore community assets

  • Tackle digital exclusion.

Unite is lobbying to secure commitments from major political parties before the General Election with both Conservatives and Labour trying to win over the elder generations. Both Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer have pledged to keep the triple lock while the Tories have also promised a triple lock plus.

The triple lock determines the annual rate hike for state pension payments, guaranteeing the amount Brits receive will rise equivalent to the highest between average wage increases, inflation or 2.5 percent. However, the triple lock plus will raise the tax-fre allowance on pensions.

Unite’s general secretary Sharon Graham highlighted the difficulties faced by the union’s retired members saying: “Workers throughout the UK live in fear and uncertainty about their old age because pensions are not enough to live on and our health and care services are crumbling.

"As the country looks for change in a new government, Unite will be asking politicians to commit to our manifesto to help workers secure the long, healthy and dignified retirements they deserve.”