Steam buffs launch fresh bid for multi-million-pound railway project in Eryri

A heritage train passes Llyn Tegid on the Bala Lake Railway
A heritage train passes Llyn Tegid on the Bala Lake Railway -Credit:Rheilffordd Llyn Tegid

Steam enthusiasts are making a renewed bid to extend a railway and build a new station in Gwynedd. If successful, (Bala Lake Railway) anticipates annual passenger numbers will almost double to 60,000, giving a significant boost to the local economy.

The ambitious project was derailed in April 2023 amid concerns over its impact on river pollution – planners feared more passengers using toilets in the area, overloading local waste treatment plants. But the scheme is now back on track after the pollution situation was clarified by Dŵr Cymru (Welsh Water).

A further £120,000 has since been spent refining the plans and addressing previous reasons for refusal by Eryri National Park Authority. The project envisages a 1.2km extension to the existing 7.2km railway line, running along the northern bank of Llyn Tegid into Bala itself.

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Here, a new station is planned with a traditional two-storey brick frontage – it will have cornerstones, a slate roof, arched windows, stone pillars and a town clock. The station building will have a ticket office, retail area, café, toilets and an office. Behind it will be a single-storey structure opening to platform 1, where the look will be “more contemporary”. The wider station area will have a signal box, coal bunker and separate sheds for carriages and locomotives.

Already there is a swell of goodwill from heritage buffs who hope the £4m project will be green-lighted. “Fingers crossed they realise how much this will be an amazing asset to Bala,” said a Telford man. Another supporter said: “Absolute no brainier. Something extra to visit Bala and its interesting history.”

Currently the railway carries 34,000 passengers a year on a train service running 173 days per annum. With an extension into Bala, it’s thought passenger numbers will rise to 60,000, all benefiting from enhanced views of the lake and its dramatic scenery, including the nearby mountains of Arenig Fawr, Aran Benllyn and Aran Fawddwy.

An Economic Impact Assessment, updated in 2021, predicted £420,000 of extra local spending each year. While this figure is now considered outdated, railway chiefs say it’s clear there will be a “significant net benefit to the local tourism and wider economy of Bala”. The North Wales Live Whatsapp community for top stories and breaking news is live now - here’s how to sign up

Bala's planned railway station will have a 'traditional' frontage
Bala's planned railway station will have a 'traditional' frontage -Credit:George + Tomos Architects

One supporter noted: “As a visitor to the area last year - Bala desperately needs a boost. Another, from Hereford, added: “I am old enough to remember the original railway in Bala and this would be great for the town.”

On social media, the railway’s general manager David Jones explained why the initial application had stumbled. At the time, the river Dee was failing its phosphate targets between Corwen and Chirk and it was feared that extra rail passengers would add to the load on Bala’s waste treatment plant.

He said: “It was deemed that any development that potentially increased the amount of phosphate entering the river was unacceptable. The railway had no control over this.

“The issue resolved itself when Natural Resources Wales (NRW) published phosphate limits for each treatment plant. Welsh Water was also able to confirm the Bala plant was performing much better with sufficient capacity to take additional phosphate from the extra visitors.”

Route of the proposed  1.2km extension from Penybont station into Bala
Route of the proposed 1.2km extension from Penybont station into Bala -Credit:Caulmert Planning

When last year’s application failed, railway trust chairman Julian Birley said it “completely galvanised” supporters and gave the whole project “extra momentum”. A new fundraising bid swiftly met its target, enabling a more in-depth application to be drawn up.

“The application had be redone with updates, revisions and the addition of a huge amount of extra detail,” he said. “We have spent £120,000 in doing this on top of the £250,000 spent on the original application.”

This addresses issues such as road traffic and pedestrian safety. The railway extension will run from the existing Penybont station across the Grade II-listed Pont Mwnwgl-y-llyn (“Old Bridge”). This 18th century stone bridge, with its famous uneven parapet, is currently used only by pedestrians.

If the extension goes ahead, a ballasted track will be built on one side of the bridge, with a footpath running along the other side, separated by a kerb. Get all the latest Gwynedd news by signing up to our newsletter - sent every Tuesday

The railway will then use the “new” Pont Mwnwgl-y-llyn bridge to cross the River Dee. It then crosses the B4391 and runs along the crest of a flood embankment past Bala Rugby Club and into the southern end of town.

The flood embankment was recently improved by NRW. As part of this work, a corridor on the embankment was set aside by NRW for the proposed railway extension should it get the green light.

The planned track extension will share the old Pont Mwnwgl-y-llyn bridge with pedestrians
The planned track extension will share the old Pont Mwnwgl-y-llyn bridge with pedestrians -Credit:Google

Although the extension is only 1.2km long, it is not short of engineering challenges. The River Dee bridge will require widening, roads need diverting and a new level crossing is required. The station building, which is in a conservation zone, has been designed accordingly.

Bangor-based design firm Caulmert is guiding the scheme. “It’s a tricky project with lots of different engineering challenges,” said David High, the scheme’s engineering lead. “The proposed route of the railway will be alongside a road and uses part of an existing road bridge to cross the River Dee.

“Clearly, we want to be sure that the project will not have an adverse impact on the River Dee. It is positive news that Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water has confirmed that there is capacity in the wastewater treatment works to accommodate the toiletry habits of the increased number of visitors the railway extension will generate.”

A car park with 27 spaces will be built at the station, accessed from Heol Aran. However Rheilffordd Llyn Tegid expects the development as a whole will encourage walking, cycling and the use of public transport.

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