New steps at popular Island beach open in time for summer

New steps opened at Compton Bay <i>(Image: IW Council)</i>
New steps opened at Compton Bay (Image: IW Council)

The new steps leading to a popular Isle of Wight beach have opened in time for the summer.

The wooden steps and landings at Compton Bay replace the old ones, eroding due to coastal wear and tear.

Concerns were raised that the old steps may not have lasted the holiday season.

New steps opened at Compton Bay (Image: IW Council)

The IW Council’s Public Rights of Way department led the project, funded by an Access for All grant provided by the IW National Landscape, formally IW Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The new stairs provide safe access to one of the Island’s most popular beaches, enjoyed by many Islanders and visitors all year round.

In the coming weeks, attention will turn to repairing other beach accesses, including Brook, Chilton Chine and Orchard Bay.