Steve Aiken faces being barred from Assembly after breaching confidentiality rules

Steve Aiken in shirt and tie smiling
Steve Aiken -Credit:Steven McAuley/McAuley Multimedia

An Ulster Unionist MLA faces being barred from the Assembly for two days after breaching confidentiality rules.

Steve Aiken is to be subjected to the sanction after the Stormont Committee on Standards and Privileges found he had committed an “egregious breach” of Assembly rules.

The South Antrim MLA was found to have “breached the Code through the unauthorised disclosure of confidential information relating to a live complaint and by failing to co-operate at all times with the Commissioner’s investigation”.

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The complaint was investigated by the Assembly Commissioner for Standards, Dr Melissa McCullough after being made against Mr Aiken by Sinn Féin MLA Maolíosa McHugh. The crux of the issue was the fallout from the awarding in error of Covid-19 Business Support grants to a number of politicians’ offices.

The report published today states that the “substance of the complaint is that on 4th November 2020, at a meeting of the Committee For Finance, that was streamed live online and which remains visible online, Mr Aiken stated: ‘Members I wish you to be made aware that I today raised a complaint with the Commissioner Of Standards about one of the members of our committee who was in receipt of a small business grant loan or his office was in receipt of a small business grant loan and made no declaration of that interest even though we had LPS (Land & Property Services) in front of us 3 times and the Minister 2 times’.”

The MLA he was referring to, today’s Committee on Standards and Privileges report says, is “understood to be Mr McHugh”.

Dr McCullough’s report was considered in March 2022. The previous Committee “considered this to be an egregious breach of the Code given that, as a Member of the Committee, Dr Aiken should have been leading by example in maintaining the confidentiality of complaints and in co-operating at all times with the Commissioner’s investigation”.

Today’s statement added: “As such, it concluded that the successor Committee should recommend to the Assembly that Dr Aiken be sanctioned. Having considered its predecessor’s report, the Committee has recommended the sanction that Dr Aiken be excluded from Assembly proceedings for a period of two sitting days.”

Regarding Mr Aiken’s “failing to co-operate at all times with the Commissioner’s investigation”, the report states that the UUP MLA failed to respond to letters of 7th and 28th June 2021 “inviting him to interview” and failed “to attend interview twice under Notice to Attend”.

The Commissioner was scathing in her verdict on the lack of co-operation.

She stated: “I consider that it ought not to be necessary to serve an MLA with a formal Notice to Attend for an interview. It is my view that Dr Aiken’s failure to cooperate resulted in the needless waste of significant public funds and resources. Dr Aiken’s behaviour is inconsistent the Seven Principles of Public Life: Respect and Leadership.

“It is my conclusion after considering all of the facts and evidence, that Dr Aiken did not co-operate at all times with my investigation as required under the Code of Conduct and therefore breached Rule 16 of the MLA Code of Conduct.”

In today’s statement, the Chairperson of the Committee on Standards and Privileges, Carál Ní Chuilín MLA said: “Whilst the Committee takes all breaches of the Code very seriously, it noted the conclusion of the last Committee that this was an egregious breach given the particular circumstances of the case. I am therefore pleased that the Committee has agreed to recommend to the Assembly that it imposes what we consider to be an appropriate and proportionate sanction.”

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