"I still don’t know who to vote for - but I will"

Voter placing a ballot paper in the ballot box at a polling station
-Credit: (Image: Rui Vieira/PA Wire)

This country is in for a shock tomorrow, as it is election day today. You really all should vote, as you can make a difference.

If you don’t know who to vote for, please do some research on the subject. If not for you, then the children who are our future.

Don’t come out with that old cliché ‘they're all the same and in it for what they can get’. They are not all the same.

Do some digging. Having said all that, I am still ‘politically homeless’ - but I will be voting.

I do know one thing, whoever gets in tomorrow, they have one hell of a job on their hands as we are now living in a world that wants results yesterday. I put politicians in the same league as football managers these days.

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If they have four bad games, the fans want them out immediately. We never see the bigger picture any more.

We all have short memories, the world has not long been through a disaster with the Pandemic. We have a couple of leaders in the world itching to start world war three.

Power-crazed basket cases. With the Pandemic, which started in 2020 the world went into lockdown, and panic set in.

No-one knew how to deal with it, in every country, but they tried their best with an unknown quantity. Then the blame game set in.

We must keep that in mind. Back to the election, and social media has not helped at all, as there are so many pitfalls.

We are told other countries are interfering in our politics. False statements are put up regularly and as for false news, and AI, who the hell do we vote for?

Here’s another thing. Who would want to go into politics these days with the abuse they get online, including violence and death threats?

Your private life on every platform for the world to see. Keeping all that in mind, would you do the job anyway?

They earn £91,346 plus expenses. Most people say they are overpaid, but if you analyse everything, I think you will find they are not.

So tomorrow we will see a new face of politics - whoever gets in. Then after six months the doubters will start.

Wouldn’t it be great to have a government left alone, and given time to get on with the job. Sadly that will never happen.

I still don’t know who to vote for - but I will.