Stirling candidates prepare for tight contest as Prime Minister calls for July General Election

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called the election in a rain-soaked statement earlier this week
-Credit: (Image: Lucy North/PA Wire)

The starting gun has been fired on the next General Election - and the candidates for the new Stirling and Strathallan seat have already declared themselves up for the contest.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak sprung a surprise on Wednesday evening by announcing a poll set to take place on July 4, leaving parties and candidates scrambling to get out on to the campaign trail.

In a rain-drenched statement in Downing Street, Mr Sunak said: “I hope that my work since I became Prime Minister shows that we have a plan and are prepared to take the bold action necessary for our country to flourish.

“I have stuck with that plan and always been honest with you about what is needed even when that’s been

One of the seats being fought for is the Stirling and Strathallan contest, fought in a seat which has been newly created for the 2024 election.

Three candidates have already been announced - all with strong links to Stirling politics.

Incumbent SNP MP for Stirling, Alyn Smith, will be hoping to keep hold of the seat he won with a majority of 9,254 back in 2019.

Following the election announcement, Mr Smith said: “The people and communities I have represented these past few years have faced unimaginable hardship under this failed Westminster system, and they deserve a Member of Parliament who will take the fight to London on energy bills, mortgage bills and the growing cost of a disastrous Brexit we rejected.

Incumbent SNP MP for Stirling Alyn Smith will contest the seat once again
Incumbent SNP MP for Stirling Alyn Smith will contest the seat once again -Credit:Jessica Taylor, House of Commons

“Energy, major economic powers, international trade and relations - the UK is supposed to act in Scotland’s best interests in these realms, yet they have comprehensively failed us.

“Our SNP Scottish Government have held the line against UK Tory austerity, economic recklessness and moral fecklessness. We’ve stretched the powers of devolution to their limits, but it’s clear Scotland has outgrown those

“Scotland’s voice must be heard. We need a root and branch change across all systems and structures - and neither Labour or the Tories are fit to deliver it. Stirling deserves better than more of the same broken two-party system.

“This 4 July, on the most famed of Independence Days known the world over, I’m asking the people I’ve represented, the communities I’ve fought for and the place I call home to send me back into the lion’s den. The job’s not done yet.”

He will be contested in the seat by Stirling Council leader Chris Kane, who will fight to claim it for a resurgent Labour.

Mr Kane said: “People across the UK are calling out for change, so I’m delighted that an election has finally been called.

Stirling Council leader Chris Kane has been selected as the Labour candidate for the seat
Stirling Council leader Chris Kane has been selected as the Labour candidate for the seat -Credit:Whyler Photos

“All the recent polls show that in Stirling and Strathallan it is a straight fight between Labour and the SNP. And so there is the opportunity to elect a new UK Government, but also to send a message to the SNP who are failing the people of Scotland on so many policy areas.

“I know people want change and I want to be an MP that stands up for our local area and puts our public services first, not independence or more constitutional wrangling.“

The third declared candidate for the contest so far is the leader of Stirling Council’s Conservative group Neil Benny.

Mr Benny said: “It is a great honour to stand as the Scottish Conservative candidate in my home seat of Stirling and Strathallan.

“In Scotland the election is about beating the SNP so we can get the focus onto creating good jobs, reducing NHS waiting lists and investing in schools rather than campaigning for independence.

“In Stirling and Strathallan I am the only candidate who can beat the SNP and make sure we have an MP focused on our area, rather than independence.”

It will take in seven wards from the Stirling area - Bannockburn; Trossachs and Teith; Forth and Endrick; Dunblane and Bridge of Allan; Stirling North; Stirling West; and Stirling East.

Added to that will be the Strathallan ward from the Perth and Kinross area which had previously been part of the Ochil and South Perthshire constituency and includes the town of Auchterarder.

The history of the Stirling Westminster seat has been volatile since Labour’s Dame Anne McGuire stood down after 18 years. The SNP’s Steven Paterson was followed by Conservative Stephen Kerr, who was then replaced by the SNP’s Alyn Smith - while the Strathallan ward at Perth and Kinross council has been a strong Conservative area.