Stoke City get green light for bet365 Stadium fan zone
Plans for a fan zone for up to 1,550 people at the bet365 Stadium have been approved. The fan zone would offer food, drink and entertainment before Stoke City matches, as well as being used for other events on non-match days.
There will be a stage, a 9.6 metre wide video screen and various catering units, along with benches and toilets, surrounded by a perimeter fence. Stoke-on-Trent City Council has now approved the planning application for the fan zone from Stoke City, subject to conditions.
The planning report states: "The proposed operational development located within the wider football stadium curtilage is considered to be acceptable subject to conditions required to protect amenity within the area with regard to the control over hours and nature of use along with the finished appearance of the various structures."
The fan zone will be built on a section of car park at the north east corner of the stadium, close to Ricardo's bar. While the development would result in the loss of 30 parking spaces, Stoke City says that the disabled bays will be relocated elsewhere.
Use of the fan zone will be limited to between 9am and 11pm on any day, in order to prevent noise nuisance for nearby residents. According to the planning application, on match days the fan zone would be in use from three hours before kick-off.