'He has stolen my little girl': ex-police special constable raped teenager in his car

Stephen Godridge
-Credit: (Image: Greater Manchester Police)

A former police special constable could face a life sentence after raping a teenage girl in his car.

Stephen Godridge groomed his victim over Snapchat before sexually abusing her. The 31-year-old had only been released from prison months beforehand, after he had exploited two other youngsters in strikingly similar circumstances.

Trevor Parry-Jones, prosecuting, told Liverpool Crown Court this afternoon, Thursday: "The prosecution submit that this defendant is a sophisticated, predatory paedophile whose intent was to satisfy his predilection for sexual activity with teenage girls. He sought out underage girls using social media, in this case Snapchat, purporting to be much younger at 23."

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The court heard that Godridge sent the 14-year-old complainant a friend request on the platform before persuading her to send him pictures of herself in her underwear. He then drove to Liverpool from his home in Bolton in order to collect her in his car, after which he took her to Manchester to watch him play football.

Having returned to Merseyside during hours of darkness, the pervert escorted his victim to a car park at Breckside Park in Anfield where he sexually assaulted and raped her in the back seat as she "told him to stop throughout". She had taken pictures of the inside of his vehicle during the journey due to her "concern and apprehension" using her mobile phone.

This ultimately led to his arrest after automatic number plate recognition technology confirmed that he had visited the area. Under interview, Godridge claimed that he "believed that she was not underage" and alleged the teenager had told him that she was 17 before they engaged in consensual sex.

In a statement which was read out to the court on her behalf, she said: "I find it hard to do normal things like go to the shop. I hate being by myself, it just scares me.

"I'm scared that someone is going to come into my house and get me. I just can't stand being alone.

"I feel so vulnerable that it's just going to happen again. I don't go out much any more.

"This incident repeats in my mind on a constant replay. I'm scared he could hurt me or my family again.

"What this man did to me has had a big impact on my life. I'm scared for my future and how this is going to effect the rest of my life."

A statement from the girl's mum added: "She doesn't leave her bedroom and she doesn't go out. He has stolen my little girl."

Godridge, of Southfield Street in Bolton, was said to have "perfected his method over many years prior", having received 57 months behind bars at Preston Crown Court in 2019 after being convicted of two counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child. In "exactly the same modus operandi" on this occasion, he befriended two 15-year-old girls separately on Snapchat while purporting to be aged 19 and 22 then sent them lewd images of himself and had sex with them in his car in secluded locations.

Reports from the time detailed how Godridge, who was also handed a sexual harm prevention order banning him from having contact with girls under the age of 16, previously served as a special constable with Greater Manchester Police before he was suspended from duty after being arrested in October 2016. He later resigned from his role with the force and was released from his sentence four months prior to his latest offending.

Keith Harrison, defending, told the court today: "My submission is that it is not necessary to pass a life sentence. If you impose a sufficiently long determinate sentence, that can often achieve the same result.

"The facts are the facts. This happened very soon after his release.

"In my submission, a life sentence should be reserved for much more serious cases. It is not absolutely necessary in this case.

"I concede that there should be an extended sentence of an appropriate length. He will not be released until he has proved that it is safe so to do.

"There will be a sexual harm prevention order as well. Those elements combined may mean that a life sentence is not necessary in this case."

Godridge, who appeared in court via video link to HMP Liverpool, was found guilty of two counts of rape, sexual assault, two charges of assault by penetration and breaching a sexual harm prevention order by a jury following a trial. Judge Gary Woodhall will pass sentence tomorrow morning, Friday.

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