Stop slugs from entering your garden this summer with five common kitchen staples

Slug on grass
Slugs are every gardener's worst nightmare -Credit:Getty Images

Slugs may seem pretty harmless compared to other summer pests, but for gardeners, they can be a real nightmare.

Often found munching through plants, vegetables and anything else you're trying to grow outside, they can destroy your hard work and leave your garden looking less than perfect.

However, by utilising some common kitchen ingredients, you can keep the pests away without using any harmful pesticides and putting your garden at risk.

Wales Online reports that many gardeners are more keen on humane ways to deal with slugs rather than trapping them or laying down chemical slug pellets.

Here are five simple solutions using products you probably already have in your kitchen, that act as a safer way to deter slugs.

How to stop slugs using kitchen ingredients


This morning staple doesn't just give us a burst of energy when we wake up - it can also be used in the garden to keep slugs away.

Slugs are not a fan of coffee so adding fresh grounds into your gardening and planting routine can help to deter the pests. You can also sprinkle it around any plants that you want to keep safe.

For best results, try to avoid using instant coffee, and use freshly ground coffee instead as the caffeine content is higher.


Fresh and powdered seaweed is an excellent natural slug deterrent due to the high salt content, and it also helps nourish the soil too. To use seaweed effectively, place the fresh leaves around the plants you wish to protect, or sprinkle powdered seaweed on the soil.


Woman cutting grapefruit
Grapefruit can be used to safely trap slugs -Credit:Getty Images

Slugs love grapefruit, so you can use a rind of this citrus fruit to help trap slugs that come into your garden.

Place a couple of empty grapefruit rinds upside down on the ground, while allowing enough space for the slug to enter. The damp environment provides a cosy spot for the slug to hide, so simply leave the grapefruit overnight and dispose of any slugs captured in the morning.


This herb can be used to deter plenty of common pests such as slugs, spiders and flies since they don't like its mild smell.

By planting a few rosemary plants in your garden, you can help to deter slugs from eating your freshly grown produce, and it also means you can enhance your own cooking and baking by using the fragrant herb.

Egg shells

Scattering crushed-up eggs or nutshells around your plants can help to create a barrier and prevent slugs from coming through.

However, it's worth noting that this sometimes proves ineffective, as slugs can move across sharp objects when necessary. But as a general rule, they generally prefer not to suffer the pain if they don’t have to, and will usually try to avoid any rough ground.

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