Stop the UAE from wrecking this bastion of conservatism

Foreign Secretary David Cameron has links to the UAE
Foreign Secretary David Cameron has links to the UAE - Win McNamee/Getty

Britain’s newspaper industry has long been admired around the world. It has a large number of titles relative to the size of its population and, as a result, it offers a wonderful range of insights and opinions on everything that matters and more.

Some points of view that can be read each day might be considered offensive by certain people, while others are simply thought-provoking, but this country remains, for now, true to the traditions of a free press.

That long and proud history includes poking fun at politicians and, more seriously, scrutinising them – vigorously if necessary. I should know. I have been lampooned in cartoons and columns more times than I care to remember. My activities as the leader of Ukip and then of the Brexit Party made that inevitable.

Having grown up reading newspapers, I was never under any illusion that if I were to enter politics it would be this way. Indeed, in my case, I knew that I was more likely to be mocked or investigated because my campaign for the UK to leave the European Union so obviously went against the grain of British politics and the establishment.

They do things differently in other parts of the world, in countries like the United Arab Emirates.

Like many politicians, journalists and, most crucially, readers, I am deeply uncomfortable about the possibility that this Middle Eastern state might soon take over The Telegraph titles and The Spectator. As the UAE is an absolute monarchy with an abysmal human rights record, it seems fanciful that it would take jokes or questions in the spirit that runs through the British press.

Would Sheikh Mansour, the vice-president of the UAE and a member of the ruling family of Abu Dhabi, allow one of his relatives to be caricatured in a Telegraph cartoon? What would he do if The Telegraph’s investigations unit began inquiring into a UAE-owned company? Or if a Spectator columnist criticised the UAE’s attitude towards homosexuality? Does anybody really want to find out the answers to these questions?

Another major problem on the horizon relates to Jeff Zucker, the liberal American media executive who is spearheading the UAE-funded bid. Is Mr Zucker – who at CNN led the charge against Trump – really the right man to oversee the house newspaper of the Conservative Party?

A further reservation that I have involves the new Foreign Secretary, Lord Cameron. Given his links to the UAE, including his recent role as lecturer in politics at New York University’s Abu Dhabi operation, which is bankrolled by the UAE, he can hardly claim to be an objective player in this matter.

Equally worrying are the reports that Foreign Office officials last month watered down the language used in a letter written by Luzy Frazer, the Culture Secretary – who has set up a public interest investigation into the takeover – to the bidders. They must have been concerned the original version might have offended the Sheikh.

If Rishi Sunak has any sense, he will keep the accident-prone David Cameron well away from any more accusations of sleaze.

The Telegraph titles, like The Spectator, are a precious piece of the fabric of British public life. Independence is their hallmark. It is unthinkable that a Tory government would even consider allowing these assets to fall into the wrong hands on its watch – or that it would encourage the importation of attitudes which run counter to one of the cornerstones of our democracy.

Sense must prevail. Or else this country, not just the media, is in deep trouble.

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