Strictly Come Dancing 2016: Lord Alan Sugar criticises Ed Balls and Claudia Winkleman

Lord Alan Sugar took to Twitter to share a critical commentary of Strictly Come Dancing on Sunday night.

The host of BBC One show The Apprentice sniped about contestant Ed Balls and presenter Claudia Winkleman, firing his darts of disdain in 140 characters or less.


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Reviewing the controversial results show, the straight-talking business magnate blasted the former Labour MP and shadow Chancellor, who performed Samba to Cuban Pete while dressed as The Mask (Yes, REALLY).

“I can not believe that fat canary Ed balls is through to the next round of @bbcstrictly (sic),” he tweeted.


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He then added: “Ed Balls looks like a bottle of Colemans mustard with a molding top (sic).”

Hmm… maybe if you squint real hard and tilt your head a little to the right?


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Judging the presenter as if she was a candidate in the boardroom of his BBC reality show, he then made a dig at Winkleman.

He posted: “Who sprays @ClaudiaWinkle face she looks like an Outspan orange.”


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But fans were quick to put him in his place – one of his followers shared a picture of a pumpkin with Lord Sugar’s face skillfully carved into it, writing: “You’re one to talk.”

As another added in defence: “I actually think she is one of the best TV presenters out there, not sure why you would target her on social med,” to which he simply replied: “Nice girl but Orange.”


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Eek – let’s hope that he finds the remote control in time for next week’s episode!