Strongman training to beat three world records hauling vehicles around Lidl car park
A strongman is gearing up to smash three world records by pulling a one tonne van more than 50 MILES - after practicing by hauling vehicles around a Lidl car park. Former squaddie Matt Cooper, 30, is preparing to lug the vehicle further than the length of two marathons in the space of just 72 hours to raise money for charity. He will pull the 1.3 tonne (1,200kg) vehicle around a 400m cycle track in Tiddlington, Warks., a staggering 212 times. In doing so he will break three world records - the fastest ever marathon pulling a car, the first to complete a double marathon pulling a vehicle, and the longest distance to ever pull a car. Matt, who is 5ft 9ins tall and weighs 17 stone, is currently training for his mammoth achievement by pulling cars around his local supermarket car park. He will be pulling the van around the track using a full body harness for three days with only a few short breaks to rest and fill up on food for energy. Matt, a digger driver, from Banbury, Oxon, said: “I decided to attempt to break these world records after reading about a guy who was able to pull a car the length of a marathon in 19 hours and 46 minutes. “So, I thought why not try to beat this and then go that extra mile and complete two marathons as well. “When I complete the challenge in September it will be almost a non-stop challenge for the three days. “I will only take short breaks for a quick rest and to fuel up on more food. “I am absolutely terrified, nervous but excited about the challenge." Matt is currently training four hours a week and as the challenge draws closer he will up his workout regime. To build up strength, he is currently eating between 4,000-5,000 calories a day but will increase this to 7,000 as the weeks draw nearer. A typical day of eating consists of five slices of toast covered in peanut butter and bananas for breakfast followed by another large helping of fruit covered toast for lunch and a large side of chicken. For dinner Matt will consume another hefty meal of chicken and rice and will snack on chocolate and sweets throughout the day to get to meet his daily calorie target. The former communications system operator for the Royal Signals added: “I’ve started off moderately with my training and eating and this will progress and I will add to it as we get closer to the challenge. “A butchers is sponsoring me for the event which means I am able to get my hands on as much chicken as I need to fuel myself leading up to the big challenge. “My family think I am crazy for going ahead with this, but they have always thought I am a little crazy. “The are all fully supportive though and have been coming with me to steer the van when I train at the weekends or after work.” Matt's girlfriend Holly Round, 28, and his family and friends will also take it in turns to steer the car around the track on the day of the challenge. Matt is raising funds for BEAT – an eating disorder charity and hopes to smash his target of £1,500. He added: “BEAT is a charity that is close to my heart as I have family and friends that have suffered and are suffering with eating disorders. “I think it should be a charity that should get massive support from everyone especially because we are all so exposed to social media and body image." The three-day challenge will commence at the Home Guard Club in Tiddington on September 7 and finish on September 9. To donate to Matt’s JustGiving fundraising page, visit: