Summertime spectacular helps Greenock primary raise £1,200 for school funds

Lady Alice Primary summer fair <i>(Image: Alex Craig)</i>
Lady Alice Primary summer fair (Image: Alex Craig)

FAMILIES from all over Greenock enjoyed some fun in the sunshine at a spectacular summer school fair.

Staff and pupils from Lady Alice Primary organised a fantastic day full of fun to celebrate the good weather, and to raise money for school funds.

Activities on the day raised an amazing £1,200 for school funds which will be channelled into exciting activities for pupils in every class.

(Image: Alex Craig)

(Image: Alex Craig)
Lady Alice deputy head teacher Lesley Caldwell said the school community was thrilled with the amount raised.

She added: "All of the money will go towards benefitting the pupils in the school.

"It was a fantastic day and we were so pleased to see so many people turning out for us."

Everyone attending the summer fair got the chance to look around an amazing array of stalls which included pictures and paintings, hand-drafted toys, and jewellery.

Tasty treats were on offer in the tearoom, and organisers invited a local ice cream man and his van to the school to keep everyone cool.

(Image: Alex Craig)

(Image: Alex Craig)
Youngsters had their faces painted with colourful, glittery creations, and there was a lucky dip and raffle with some amazing prizes.

(Image: Alex Craig)
Lesley said she was thrilled to see so many families, and so many people from the local community coming along to support the fundraiser.

She added: "A lot of children who are pupils at the school brought their families to see us, and we welcomed a lot of people from the wider community as well.

"It was a different kind of experience for parents as they usually visit for learning experiences to see what's going on within the school.

"We loved being able to show them the school community taking part in a social occasion and raising money."