'Sunak not my cup of tea and Starmer I don't really know' says first time Leicestershire voter

Jamie Blaylock, a student at Leicester College
-Credit: (Image: LeicestershireLive)

A first-time Leicestershire voter has given his views on people hoping to be named the country's next Prime Minister - and revealed who he is planning to back in tomorrow's General Election. Jamie Blaylock, who turned 18 at the weekend, said he had looked at the Conservatives and Reform, but that Rishi Sunak was "not [his] cup of tea".

About Keir Starmer, Jamie said: "I don't know too much about him, but I just don't really look at Labour." Consequently, said Jamie, he did not feel able to put a view across about him nor the Labour Party.

Jamie spoke to LeicestershireLive when we asked students at Leicester College if they would be voting. He said his priorities for the election were knife crime, and immigration and its effect on the NHS. He added that the new government would also need to get a handle on inflation, and that potholes needed addressing.

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"I will be voting," Jamie told LeicestershireLive "The priorities for England are, well, not the national service, that's a big one. Definitely crime, all the knife crime, the economy as well because of inflation going up, and immigration as well, because it's going to start affecting the NHS more and more, which isn't a problem, it just means that they need to work on the NHS."

Added Jamie: "I'll be voting for Reform UK. I think Reform UK, because of the ideas they have, saying what they are going to do.

"I mean, most prime ministers say they are going to do stuff and it never happens, but if it's in their plans and it does happen, that would be really good I think."

Jamie said that after the election, he would like to see, "definitely lower knife crime" and "less stolen cars, because that would hopefully lower car insurance, and that's a big thing for young drivers.

"I think inflation as well - all the prices need to come down because people do struggle. The NHS as well, and response times for ambulances. A couple of months ago [I called them ] and they said it was going to take seven hours, so that needs to get worked on definitely, and roads need sorting with so many potholes."

Britain will go to the polls tomorrow, with predictions indicating a historic win for the Labour Party and huge losses for the Conservatives. Locally, polling suggests the city and county could have five new MPs after voting closes.

LeicestershireLive approached candidates across the city and county to give them a chance to address residents and set out why they believe they deserve your vote. You can find out what your local candidates had to say here.