Sunderland thug attacked partner when she refused to go to Primark with him

Gary Clark, who admitted strangling, suffocating and assaulting his partner
Gary Clark, who admitted strangling, suffocating and assaulting his partner -Credit:Northumbria Police

A thug attacked his partner when she refused to go to Primark with him and because he couldn't find a kebab shop..

Gary Clark strangled, suffocated and assaulted the woman during four episodes of violence between September and October last year. Prosecutor Kate Barnes told Newcastle Crown Court the first attack, a common assault, happened on September 16 last year and said: "He wanted to go to Primark and for her to go with him.

"However, she did not wish to go. This put him in a bad mood. He dragged her around by her hair."

The next offence, of intentional strangulation, was two days later, on September 18, while the couple were staying at a Travelodge and an argument started. Miss Barnes said: "He grabbed her by the neck with both hands and squeezed, which restricted her breathing. She said she thought she was going to die."

Ten days after that, on September 28, the couple were staying in a caravan and Clark was unhappy as she had been out longer than he expected. Miss Barnes said Clark punched and slapped the woman before he suffocated her.

The prosecutor said: "He held her with one hand over her neck and placed another hand over her mouth, it made it difficult for her to breathe. She said she honestly thought he was going to kill her."

The final attack, an assault, was on October 4, again at the caravan, after the woman received a call from Clark, who had gone out. Miss Barnes said: "He blamed her for not being able to find a kebab shop that was open."

When Clark returned to the caravan there was a verbal argument before she was punched, threatened and left with a broken nose. Clark, 41, of Canon Cockin Street, Sunderland, admitted common assault, intentional strangulation, intentional suffocation and assault, all on the same woman.

The court heard he has spent time on remand for the offences and was today sentenced to 18 months, suspended for two years, with rehabilitation requirements and was ordered to attend a building better relationships programme.

Mr Recorder Tony Hawks said: "Were I to make the sentence immediate you would simply serve a few more months in prison then be released on licence without any input from the probation service to stop this happening again. It seems to me something needs to be done to stop this happening again."

The court heard Clark has no previous convictions for violence and has shown remorse for what he did. He told probation officials he suffered a head injury three years ago which "might have affected his mood."