'Sunset tax' fuels anger in North Wales towns now that beach evenings come with price tag

Sunset stroll on the beach between Prestatyn and Talacre
Sunset stroll on the beach between Prestatyn and Talacre -Credit:Ian Cooper/North Wales Live

Seaside residents in Denbighshire have complained they must now pay to watch sunsets on local beaches. For decades, people in towns like Prestatyn and Rhyl would head to local beaches for an evening stroll after work.

Once holidaymakers had left for the day, they could take advantage of free parking in coastal car parks after 5pm. This provision has now been withdrawn by Denbighshire Council amid “budgetary pressures”.

It’s prompted uproar in affected communities, where parking charges are now levied until 11pm in the summer. As well as losing a much-loved concession, fed-up residents worry about the impact on theatres and the nighttime economy now that visitors must pay to park in the evening.

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On social media, a Prestatyn woman fumed: “If you pay local council tax, it should include free parking passes. We live here… why do we have to pay to see the sunset or sunrise in our own town?”

Another resident in the town was equally appalled. “We used to like going down to the beach to sit in our van and watch the sunsets,” he said. “But with these ridiculous charges, especially for locals, we refuse to pay them, and now have to do without that pleasure. Utter disgrace that people should be forced to pay just to enjoy a sunset!”

When Denbighshire Council hiked parking tariffs in March, it also extended chargeable hours. In most cases, fees are now payable from 8am until 11pm. In some car parks, such as Rhyl Harbour, charging hours start at 6am. In others, like Nova West, Prestatyn, fees are payable only until 8pm over winter.

The local authority said it had researched what other councils were doing and had altered its charging structure accordingly. Denbighshire Council said evening tariffs weren’t unusual. In the county, many now start from £1.50 for two hours in winter (Nov-Feb), rising to £2 for the rest of the year. A few are a little cheaper.

People staying all evening are now charged up to £5 in summer or £3 in winter, when previously it was free. The North Wales Live Whatsapp community for top stories and breaking news is live now - here’s how to sign up

Sunset at Prestatyn Central Beach
Sunset at Prestatyn Central Beach -Credit:Hadyn Iball / North Wales Live

Beaches, when accessible, are also valued by dog owners wanting scenic or bracing walks before settling down for the night. One woman said: “Many of us locals used to go there after 5pm to walk our dogs, enjoy the evening, unwind and make the most of our area.........good for body and soul. Unfortunately no more.”

Neighbouring Conwy Council has a similar policy, charging either £1.20 or £2 for post-6pm parking at most of its car parks. However there are some seafront concessions, such as Colwyn Bay promenade and The Parade in Llandudno, which are free after 4pm. Abergele Town Council subsidises its coastal car park at Pensarn to enable free parking at all times.

In Denbighshire, there are concerns that nighttime parking will affect local businesses on the coast. The Nova Centre in Prestatyn opens until 9.30pm while Rhyl Pavilion Theatre is often later still. Showgoers using the official car park now face an extra £4-£5 cost – comparable with Venue Cymru, Llandudno, which charges a flat-rate £4.80 after 6pm.

When Denbighshire's new charging regime was introduced in March, it caused outrage among users of Marine Lake, Rhyl. Joggers and dog walkers labelled the move an "exercise tax" on the only saltwater lake in North Wales.

The local authority said funding and inflationary pressures were to blame. A spokesperson said “The council last increased its car park tariffs in 2016, meaning fees have stayed the same for eight years. In that time, the cost of goods and services has increased significantly due to rising inflation.

"Rising costs due to inflation and the current budgetary pressures the council is facing led to the council to make the decision to increase its car parking tariffs and charging times. Car parking tariffs as well as charging times from across many other North Wales local authorities were considered when setting these new fees.

“It is not unusual for councils to charge for evening use of their car parks, and this is an approach implemented by many other local authorities." Sign up for the North Wales Live newsletter sent twice daily to your inbox

The changes have prompted some residents to consider buying permits so they can continue visiting local beaches – though Denbighshire’s beach permit does not cover all the county’s coastal car parks, including Sky Tower in Rhyl. The annual cost of buying these also rose sharply in April, from £65 to £80.

For concessions (aged 60-plus), beach permits increased from £35 to £50. Denbighshire Council said parking permits can offer good value for regular pay-and-display users.

The council added: “Parking permits are available for residents, which offer significant savings for motorists who regularly park in our pay-and-display car parks. For example, a 12-month-long-stay permit costs £140, which equates to less than £3 a week. Whilst we have had to increase our parking charges, our permits still offer excellent value and are significantly cheaper than those offered in other areas.”

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