Surrey's best place to stargaze ideal for a romantic summer evening

The best place to stargaze in Cambridgeshire is in Ely
The best place to stargaze in Surrey -Credit:Getty images

If you're a Surrey resident who fancies a bit of stargazing, you don't have to travel far. Despite the county being home to several light-polluted towns and cities, there's a perfect spot for a romantic night out under the stars just a short drive away.

Light pollution, caused by artificial lights flooding the sky and reducing star visibility, is a common issue for urban dwellers.

One Reddit user asked about the best places to stargaze in and around London. While the city has numerous groups that organise stargazing meetups and events, one location stood out as a top pick.

Newlands Corner, a nature reserve in Guildford, is a favourite among stargazers. It's only an 11-minute drive from Guildford town centre.

The reason for its popularity? Low levels of light pollution. The Guildford Astronomical Society even hosts public stargazing events at Newlands Corner once or twice a year, attracting around 150 star enthusiasts each time.

Views of the Surrey Hills from Newlands Corner
Views of the Surrey Hills from Newlands Corner on a sunny winters morning, Guildford, UK -Credit:Getty Images

The nature reserve also offers beautiful views over the Surrey Hills, with the highest point on the site at 173 metres above sea level. Newlands Corner is also famous for being the location where crime writer Agatha Christie staged her disappearance.

Newlands Corner is a 103-hectare (250-acre) nature reserve owned by the Albury Estate. It used to be managed by the Surrey Wildlife Trust

Constellations like Orion and Gemini can be seen from Newlands Corner in the winter. It might come as a surprise, but there are also some popular spots to stargaze in the capital.

According to Go Stargazing, Norman Fisher Observatory at Kenley is also a popular spot. Croydon Astronomical Society organises events at this location. Headley Heath (National Trust) is also a winner. See more here.