Survivor 43 player peed all over her doctor's face… and more embarrassing stories from the cast

Survivor is hard. Embarrassing things can happen out there. Making matters even worse, those embarrassing things can then potentially be broadcast all over the world. So we here at EW like to do our part in preparing Survivor players for the game by making sure they are comfortable with whatever sort of public humiliation awaits them out on the island. And we do that by making them share their most embarrassing stories from their real lives.

We've gotten some real doozies in the past, including a story from one contestant all about a certain rectal palpitation mishap. But if the crop of embarrassing stories we got from the upcoming Survivor 43 cast is any indication, this group is here to play.

You can see the entire collection of stories in the video above, and we recommend you do so. There, you will learn the identity of the player who "ripped a fart during the SAT…. You're in the dead silent room and all of a sudden it just escaped." You'll find out who went to the bathroom in his Darth Vader costume. And you will discover the contestant who was so "over served" that she refused to give up the karaoke microphone even though she didn't know any of the words.

Survivor 43 gallery
Survivor 43 gallery

Robert Voets/CBS The cast of 'Survivor' 43

The stories are pretty much all amazing, but there are two players in particular that deserve special shout-outs. First off, let's all say hello to Jeanine Zheng, or as she used to be known, Penis Girl. How did Jeanine become Penis Girl? Allow her to tell you.

"I was in a life skills course and the teacher was like 'Okay, we're just going to get comfortable and warm up — get comfortable with some vocabulary that we're going to be using in the sex ed unit,'" explains Jeanine. "And so she said 'On the count of three, I want you to repeat after me and I want you to say it loud and proud. Be bold.' And she says 'Penis.' So she goes '1…2…3' and me being the teacher's pet that I was, literally screamed at the top of my lungs, 'PENIS!' And nobody else in the class, nobody said it. And all throughout middle school, I was known as Penis Girl because of it. So it was just awful."

Yeah, being called Penis Girl in middle school doesn't sound great. Not gonna lie. But major props to Jeanine for willingly sharing that information. Which brings us to Lindsay Carmine. If you're wondering how Lindsay can possibly top Penis Girl, well, just you watch her try!

"When I was giving birth to my son Charlie, the nurses there asked if we could allow the student nurses and all the residents that were training in OB to come and witness our birth," Lindsay explains. "So we had about 13 people huddled around, and the doctor was looking at me, and she was telling me to push. And my husband and I had music playing, and, of course, I'm trying to entertain everyone, and I started laughing so hard that I peed in my doctor's face while I was pushing."

First off, no judgments or shame here. Giving birth is obviously NO JOKE, so whatever happens down there happens. The fact that Lindsay peed in her doctor's face is not necessarily incredible. The fact that she had a live studio audience to witness it, however? Yes, incredible.

These are but two of the amazing stories that await you in the video at the top of the post. Watch and enjoy as we all count down the seconds until Survivor 43's Sept. 21 premiere on CBS. And then see who is able to add another embarrassing story to their résumé once they hit the island.

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