Suspect Your Partner's Cheating? This iPhone Hack Can Help You Find Out

Getting cheated on is everyone’s biggest relationship nightmare and it can be quite hard to figure out whether something is fishy if your partner is very good at covering their tracks.

But there is one TikTok hack that can help you figure out whether someone is cheating on you or not or even if you’re worried that someone is bad mouthing you in your absence.

According to this video posted by Katie on TikTok, you can use a feature in your iPhone’s control centre to listen in on conversations when you’re not in the room.

Yes, we know the ethics of this are hella murky.

In the video, Katie details the process, explaining that using the Hearing feature on your iPhones can help you figure out if something suspicious is going on with your partner or friends.

First, you go to Settings and click on Control Center. Then you’re supposed to scroll down to add Hearing to your Control Center. Once you’ve got it in your Control Centre tab (the thing that houses shortcuts to your wifi, mobile data, bluetooth etc.), click on it and you’ll see two options.

One of them is Background Sounds and the other is Live Listen. 

Background Sounds can be used if you’d like to have the calming rain sound effect (or any other sound, there are a range of options to choose from) in your ear whenever you please. 

It also works when you’re playing music, so you can have the rain effect with any song you want to add to the angst of it all.

However, Live Listen is the one you want to use to catch someone in the act.

In the now viral video (no seriously, it’s had over 400k likes), Katie explains that you should put one of your airpods in your ear and then leave the other one wherever you want to listen in on.

However, Katie later corrected herself in the comments, saying that you need to leave your phone in the room, not your earphones, in order to listen in on the conversations.

Once you’ve ditched your iPhone in the room, you can hear the conversation of whoever you want to listen in on and get all the dirt on them (or alternatively, if they’re talking about you, then I guess you get dirt on yourself too).

So there you have it. If you want to catch someone you think is suspicious in the act — a cheating partner, a backstabbing friend — or you just want some dirt on some juicy gossip, Live Listen is your friend.

But, whatever your reason, please proceed with caution.
