Swindon choir hosting concert to celebrate 60th anniversary

Sheila Harrod (inset) is presenting a concert at the Wyvern Theatre to mark the Kentwood Choir's 60th anniversary <i>(Image: Kentwood Show Choir)</i>
Sheila Harrod (inset) is presenting a concert at the Wyvern Theatre to mark the Kentwood Choir's 60th anniversary (Image: Kentwood Show Choir)

A Swindon choir is celebrating its 60th anniversary with a special concert.

Sheila Harrod founded the Kentwood Show Choir six decades ago and is bringing together past and present members and an array of special guests at the Wyvern Theatre on Sunday evening. Tickets can be booked in person, by calling 0343 310 0040, or visiting trafalgartickets.com/wyvern-theatre-swindon

What started as five young pupils rehearsing in Sheila's parents' front room has grown into a choir of dozens which has raised more than £2 million for local good causes and travelled around the world.

Sheila said: “They are my family, my children, I love everything about this choir and supporting the other wonderful music groups in Swindon.

"The secrets to our success are having professional standards and singing songs people can relate to.

"I'm 80 now and will never give up while I have my health, there's plenty of life left in me yet."

Yvonne Walker sang in the choir for 50 years before becoming its manager, Cathy Hobson has been part of the choir for 58 years, and Dame Cleo Laine is its president.

For One Night Only begins at 7.30pm, featuring a seven-piece band led by Steve Parker, a love song dedicated to Sheila's late husband of 50 years, Chris, and past members being invited up to sing Climb Every Mountain.