Swindon MP's Covid amnesty suggestion derided by Labour leader

Keir Starmer in Wood Street in Swindon <i>(Image: Aled Thomas)</i>
Keir Starmer in Wood Street in Swindon (Image: Aled Thomas)

The convictions of the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and former PM Boris Johnson for breaking Covid rules should stay in force says Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer.

Swindon South Conservative candidate Sir Robert Buckland, who was Justice Secretary throughout the 2020 and 2021 lockdowns, has suggested that the nearly 30,000 convictions for breaking Covid rules all be wiped clean.

He said that they were given out at an exceptional time and they should not be used, as some are, to prevent people getting clearances for jobs such as teachers or police officers, social workers or care assistants.

His views have garnered support from some other senior Conservatives.

If such an amnesty were granted, it would see Mr Johnson and Mr Sunak, who were both fined for attending social gatherings at 10 Downing Street when they were against the law, have their records wiped out.

But Labour leader, and potentially the next Prime Minister, Sir Keir said: “Seriously, they want Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak’s convictions to be removed? Some great amnesty? Come on.

“Many, many people paid a very high price in that pandemic. The now prime minister and his predecessor but one are convicted of breaking the rules that they put in place and if they don’t understand how deep that goes it just reinforces how out of touch they are.”